Open source software for disaster management P Currion, C Silva, B Van de Walle Communications of the ACM 50 (3), 61-65, 2007 | 256 | 2007 |
Information and communication technology for peace: The role of ICT in preventing, responding to and recovering from conflict D Stauffacher, W Drake, P Currion, J Steinberger New York (USA) United Nations/ICT Task Force, 2005 | 72 | 2005 |
Identity at the margins: data justice and refugee experiences with digital identity systems in Lebanon, Jordan, and Uganda E Schoemaker, D Baslan, B Pon, N Dell Information Technology for Development 27 (1), 13-36, 2021 | 60 | 2021 |
Identity at the margins: examining refugee experiences with digital identity systems in Lebanon, Jordan, and Uganda E Shoemaker, GS Kristinsdottir, T Ahuja, D Baslan, B Pon, P Currion, ... Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable …, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
If all You Have is a Hammer-How Useful is Humanitarian Crowdsourcing P Currion Retrieved January 17, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
Constructive deconstruction: imagining alternative humanitarian action C Bennett, P Currion, M DuBois, T Zaman Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG …, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Network humanitarianism P Currion Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG …, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Decolonising aid, again P Currion The New Humanitarian 13, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |
Strength in numbers: A review of NGO coordination in the field P Currion, K Hedlund International Council of Voluntary Agencies. Retrieved October 1, 2013, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
The black hole of humanitarian innovation P Currion Journal of Humanitarian Affairs 1 (3), 42-45, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Eyes Wide Shut: The challenge of humanitarian biometrics P Currion Irin News, http://www. irinnews. org/opinion/2015/08/26/eyes-wide …, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Identity at the margins: Identification systems for refugees E Schoemaker, P Currion, B Pon Caribou Digital, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Slave to the Algorithm P Currion New Humanitarian, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Strength in Numbers: A Review of NGO Coordination in the Field. Case Study: Kosovo 1999–2002 P Currion International Council of Voluntary Agencies Available< https://reliefweb …, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |
Better the devil we know: Obstacles and opportunities in humanitarian GIS P Currion Humanitarian. info, 2006 | 8 | 2006 |
Technology: bringing solutions or disruptions? P Currion Forced Migration Review, 41, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Identity at the Margins: refugee identity and data management P Currion, B Pon, E Schoemaker Caribou Digital Publishing, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Rapid humanitarian assessment in urban settings P Currion Geneva: ACAPS.(w ww. alnap. org/resource/20125), 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Emergency Capacity Building Project: Information Technology and Requirements: Assessment Report: Pakistan Earthquake Response: November–December 2005 P Currion Emergency Capacity Building Project, 2006 | 6 | 2006 |
Learning from Kosovo: The Humanitarian Community Information Centre (HCIC), year one P Currion Humanitarian Exchange 18, 19-21, 2001 | 6 | 2001 |