Alla Seleznyova
Alla Seleznyova
Scientist. Plant & Food Research, New Zealand
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A morphological and quantitative characterization of early floral development in apple (Malus× domestica Borkh.)
T Foster, R Johnston, A Seleznyova
Annals of Botany 92 (2), 199-206, 2003
Apple dwarfing rootstocks and interstocks affect the type of growth units produced during the annual growth cycle: precocious transition to flowering affects the composition …
AN Seleznyova, DS Tustin, TG Thorp
Annals of botany 101 (5), 679-687, 2008
Application of architectural analysis and AMAPmod methodology to study dwarfing phenomenon: The branch structure of ‘Royal Gala’apple grafted on dwarfing and non‐dwarfing …
AN Seleznyova, TG Thorp, M White, S Tustin, E Costes
Annals of Botany 91 (6), 665-672, 2003
A functional–structural kiwifruit vine model integrating architecture, carbon dynamics and effects of the environment
M Cieslak, AN Seleznyova, J Hanan
Annals of Botany 107 (5), 747-764, 2011
Quantitative Analysis of Shoot Development and Branching Patterns in Actinidia
AN Seleznyova, TG Thorp, AM Barnett, E Costes
Annals of Botany 89 (4), 471-482, 2002
Vigor-controlling rootstocks affect early shoot growth and leaf area development of kiwifruit
MJ Clearwater, AN Seleznyova, TG Thorp, P Blattmann, AM Barnett, ...
Tree Physiology 26 (4), 505-515, 2006
Effects of temperature and leaf position on leaf area expansion of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) shoots: development of a modelling framework
AN Seleznyova, DH Greer
Annals of Botany 88 (4), 605-615, 2001
Towards aspect-oriented functional–structural plant modelling
M Cieslak, AN Seleznyova, P Prusinkiewicz, J Hanan
Annals of Botany 108 (6), 1025-1041, 2011
Unitary transformations for the time-dependent quantum oscillator
AN Seleznyova
Physical Review A 51 (2), 950, 1995
Independent Control of Organogenesis and Shoot Tip Abortion are Key Factors to Developmental Plasticity in Kiwifruit (Actinidia)
TM Foster, AN Seleznyova, AM Barnett
Annals of Botany 100 (3), 471-481, 2007
From controlled environments to field simulations: leaf area dynamics and photosynthesis of kiwifruit vines (Actinidia deliciosa)
DH Greer, AN Seleznyova, SR Green
Functional Plant Biology 31 (2), 169-179, 2004
Mechanistic modelling of coupled phloem/xylem transport for L-systems: combining analytical and computational methods
AN Seleznyova, J Hanan
Annals of botany 121 (5), 991-1003, 2018
Cyclic states, Berry phases and the Schrodinger operator
AN Seleznyova
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 26 (4), 981, 1993
Expression of MdCCD7 in the scion determines the extent of sylleptic branching and the primary shoot growth rate of apple trees
TM Foster, SE Ledger, BJ Janssen, Z Luo, RSM Drummond, S Tomes, ...
Journal of experimental botany 69 (9), 2379-2390, 2018
Analysis of the earliest observed expression of dwarfing rootstock effects on young apple trees, using Markovian models
AN Seleznyova, DS Tustin, MD White, E Costes
VIII International Symposium on Canopy, Rootstocks and Environmental …, 2004
Structural development of branches of'Royal Gala'apple grafted on different rootstocks/interstock combinations
A Seleznyova, G Thorp, M White, S Tustin, E Costes
XXVI International Horticultural Congress: Key Processes in the Growth and …, 2002
Rootstocks affect pear (Pyrus communis) tree growth through extent of node neoformation and flowering with key differences to apple
AE Watson, AN Seleznyova, GA Dayatilake, DS Tustin
Functional Plant Biology 39 (6), 493-502, 2012
Apple rootstock-induced dwarfing is strongly influenced by growing environment
TM Foster, BM van Hooijdonk, AP Friend, AN Seleznyova, AR McLachlan
J. Hortic 3 (180), 2376-0354.1000180, 2016
A functional-structural kiwifruit vine model
M Cieslak, AN Seleznyova, J Hanan
2009 Third international symposium on plant growth modeling, simulation …, 2009
Modelling effect of temperature on area expansion at the leaf, the shoot and the whole plant level
AN Seleznyova, EA Halligan
VII International Symposium on Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard …, 2004
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