Kerstin E. Schmidt
Kerstin E. Schmidt
Brain Institute, University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal
在 neuro.ufrn.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Hemodynamic signals correlate tightly with synchronized gamma oscillations
J Niessing, B Ebisch, KE Schmidt, M Niessing, W Singer, RAW Galuske
science 309 (5736), 948-951, 2005
The perceptual grouping criterion of colinearity is reflected by anisotropies of connections in the primary visual cortex
KE Schmidt, R Goebel, S Löwel, W Singer
European Journal of Neuroscience 9 (5), 1083-1089, 1997
Functional specificity of long-range intrinsic and interhemispheric connections in the visual cortex of strabismic cats
KE Schmidt, DS Kim, W Singer, T Bonhoeffer, S Löwel
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (14), 5480-5492, 1997
The role of feedback in shaping neural representations in cat visual cortex
RAW Galuske, KE Schmidt, R Goebel, SG Lomber, BR Payne
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (26), 17083-17088, 2002
Striatal activation during blepharospasm revealed by fMRI
KE Schmidt, DEJ Linden, R Goebel, FE Zanella, H Lanfermann, ...
Neurology 60 (11), 1738-1743, 2003
The cat primary visual cortex
B Payne, A Peters
Academic Press, 2001
The layout of orientation and ocular dominance domains in area 17 of strabismic cats
S Löwel, KE Schmidt, DS Kim, F Wolf, F Hoffsümmer, W Singer, ...
European journal of neuroscience 10 (8), 2629-2643, 1998
Stimulus-Dependent Interaction between the Visual Areas 17 and 18 of the 2 Hemispheres of the Ferret (Mustela putorius)
VA Makarov, KE Schmidt, NP Castellanos, L Lopez-Aguado, ...
Cerebral Cortex 18 (8), 1951-1960, 2008
The functional characterization of callosal connections
GM Innocenti, K Schmidt, C Milleret, M Fabri, MG Knyazeva, ...
Progress in neurobiology 208, 102186, 2022
Specificity of neuronal responses in primary visual cortex is modulated by interhemispheric corticocortical input
KE Schmidt, SG Lomber, GM Innocenti
Cerebral Cortex 20 (12), 2776-2786, 2010
Processing deficits in primary visual cortex of amblyopic cats
KE Schmidt, W Singer, RAW Galuske
Journal of neurophysiology 91 (4), 1661-1671, 2004
Matching the modules: Cortical maps and long‐range intrinsic connections in visual cortex during development
KE Schmidt, RAW Galuske, W Singer
Journal of neurobiology 41 (1), 10-17, 1999
Multiplicative mechanism of lateral interactions revealed by controlling interhemispheric input
T Wunderle, D Eriksson, KE Schmidt
Cerebral Cortex 23 (4), 900-912, 2013
A novel interhemispheric interaction: modulation of neuronal cooperativity in the visual areas
C Carmeli, L Lopez-Aguado, KE Schmidt, O De Feo, GM Innocenti
PLoS One 2 (12), e1287, 2007
Spatial analysis of ocular dominance patterns in monocularly deprived cats
KE Schmidt, M Stephan, W Singer, S Löwel
Cerebral cortex 12 (8), 783-796, 2002
Long-range intrinsic connections in cat primary visual cortex
KE Schmidt, S Löwel
The cat primary visual cortex, 387-vi, 2002
The visual callosal connection: a connection like any other?
KE Schmidt
Neural plasticity 2013 (1), 397176, 2013
Postnatal growth and column spacing in cat primary visual cortex
S Rathjen, KE Schmidt, S Löwel
Experimental brain research 149, 151-158, 2003
Pattern motion representation in primary visual cortex is mediated by transcortical feedback
KE Schmidt, SG Lomber, BR Payne, RAW Galuske
Neuroimage 54 (1), 474-484, 2011
Two-dimensional analysis of the spacing of ocular dominance columns in normally raised and strabismic kittens
S Rathjen, KE Schmidt, S Löwel
Experimental brain research 145, 158-165, 2002
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