Fabio Xerfan Nahas
Fabio Xerfan Nahas
Professor of Plastic Surgery, Federal University of São Paulo
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Desenhos de pesquisa
B Hochman, FX Nahas, RS Oliveira Filho, LM Ferreira
Acta cirúrgica brasileira 20, 2-9, 2005
An aesthetic classification of the abdomen based on the myoaponeurotic layer
FX Nahas
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 108 (6), 1787-1795, 2001
Does quilting suture prevent seroma in abdominoplasty?
FX Nahas, LM Ferreira, C Ghelfond
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 119 (3), 1060-1064, 2007
Ultrasonography for measuring rectus abdominis muscles diastasis
DA Mendes, FX Nahas, DF Veiga, FV Mendes, RG Figueiras, HC Gomes, ...
Acta cirurgica brasileira 22, 182-186, 2007
Nylon versus polydioxanone in the correction of rectus diastasis
FX Nahas, SM Augusto, C Ghelfond
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 107 (3), 700-706, 2001
Long-term follow-up of correction of rectus diastasis
FX Nahas, LM Ferreira, SM Augusto, C Ghelfond
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 115 (6), 1736-1741, 2005
Abdominoplasty and its effect on body image, self-esteem, and mental health
MJA de Brito, FX Nahas, MVJ Barbosa, GM Dini, AK Kimura, AB Farah, ...
Annals of plastic surgery 65 (1), 5-10, 2010
Seroma in lipoabdominoplasty and abdominoplasty: a comparative study using ultrasound
M Di Martino, FX Nahas, MVJ Barbosa, NAM Ayaviri, AK Kimura, ...
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 126 (5), 1742-1751, 2010
Should diastasis recti be corrected?
FX Nahas, SM Augusto, C Ghelfond
Aesthetic plastic surgery 21 (4), 285-289, 1997
Patients with mild to moderate body dysmorphic disorder may benefit from rhinoplasty
GAA Felix, MJA de Brito, FX Nahas, H Tavares, TA Cordás, GM Dini, ...
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 67 (5), 646-654, 2014
Body dysmorphic disorder in patients seeking abdominoplasty, rhinoplasty, and rhytidectomy
MJA de Brito, FX Nahas, TA Cordás, H Tavares, LM Ferreira
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 137 (2), 462-471, 2016
An efficient way to correct recurrent rectus diastasis
FX Nahas, LM Ferreira, JA Mendes
Aesthetic plastic surgery 28, 189-196, 2004
Basal cell carcinoma: an updated epidemiological and therapeutically profile of an urban population
RL Bariani, FX Nahas, MVJ Barbosa, AB Farah, LM Ferreira
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira 21, 66-73, 2006
An experimental model for the study of collagen fibers in skeletal muscle
ENC Calvi, FX Nahas, MV Barbosa, JA Calil, SSM Ihara, MS Silva, ...
Acta cirurgica brasileira 27, 681-686, 2012
Fomento à publicação científica e proteção do conhecimento científico
RS Oliveira Filho, B Hochman, FX Nahas, LM Ferreira
Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira 20, 35-39, 2005
Rectus diastasis corrected with absorbable suture: a long-term evaluation
FX Nahas, LM Ferreira, PB Ely, C Ghelfond
Aesthetic plastic surgery 35, 43-48, 2011
Concepts on correction of the musculoaponeurotic layer in abdominoplasty
FX Nahas, LM Ferreira
Clinics in Plastic Surgery 37 (3), 527-538, 2010
Sensibility of the abdomen after abdominoplasty
AB Farah, FX Nahas, LM Ferreira, J de Arimatéia Mendes, Y Juliano
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 114 (2), 577-582, 2004
Abdominal wall closure after selective aponeurotic incision and undermining
FX Nahas, J Ishida, R Gemperli, MC Ferreira
Annals of plastic surgery 41 (6), 606-617, 1998
Effects of abdominoplasty on female sexuality: a pilot study
MJA de Brito, FX Nahas, RA Bussolaro, LM Shinmyo, MVJ Barbosa, ...
The journal of sexual medicine 9 (3), 918-926, 2012
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