Steven Watson
Steven Watson
Associate Professor , Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
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Using video to support in-service teacher professional development: the state of the field, limitations and possibilities
L Major, S Watson
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 27 (1), 49-68, 2018
Understanding mathematics teachers’ professional development from the perspective of social learning theory
S Watson
Proceedings of the 8th Congress of European Research in Mathematics …, 2013
How a trainee mathematics teacher develops teacher self-efficacy
S Watson, G Marschall
Teacher Development 23 (4), 469-487, 2019
New Right 2.0: Teacher populism on social media in England
S Watson
British Educational Research Journal 47 (2), 299-315, 2021
Teacher self-efficacy as an aspect of narrative self-schemata
G Marschall, S Watson
Teaching and Teacher Education 109, 103568, 2022
Online educational populism and New Right 2.0 in Australia and England
S Watson, N Barnes
Globalisation, societies and education 20 (2), 208-220, 2022
Social cognitive theory as an integrated theory of mathematics teachers’ professional learning
G Marschall, S Watson
Proceedings of the 43rd Conference of the International Group of Psychology …, 2019
Revisiting teacher decision making in the mathematics classroom: A multidisciplinary approach
S Watson
Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 2019
What makes a claim an acceptable mathematical argument in the secondary classroom? A preliminary analysis of teachers’ warrants in the context of an Algebra Task
E Nardi, I Biza, S Watson
The moral positioning of education policy publics: How social media is used to wedge an issue
N Barnes, S Watson, S MacRae
Critical Studies in Education 64 (4), 337-354, 2023
George Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form Fifty Years On: Why We Should Be Giving It More Attention in Mathematics Education.
S Watson
Mathematics Teaching Research Journal 12 (2), 161-187, 2020
Observing changes in teachers' practice as a consequence of taking part in professional development: developing a protocol for the observation of lessons
S Watson, S Evans
British Society for Research in the Learning of Mathematics 32 (2), 88-93, 2012
Connecting leadership, professional development and affect
S Watson, M Crawford
Transformative Teacher Research, 73-86, 2015
Culture wars, teacher identity and online microfascisms
S Watson
Working paper. http://bit. ly/2P4WAKx, 2017
Perspectives on Technology, Resources and Learning: Productive Classroom Practices, Effective Teacher Professional Development. Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
B Haßler, L Major, P Warwick, S Watson, S Hennessy, B Nicholl
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 2016
ChatGPT and the entangled evolution of society, education, and technology: A systems theory perspective
S Watson, J Romic
European Educational Research Journal, 14749041231221266, 2024
Developing instructional and pedagogical design for the Cambridge Mathematics Education Project: A Design-based research approach
L Major, S Watson, E Kimber
Proceedings of British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM …, 2015
The impact of professional development on mathematics teachers' beliefs and practices
S Watson
University of Nottingham, 2014
The impact of professional development on the teaching of problem solving in mathematics: A Social Learning Theory perspective
S Watson
Proceedings of the 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education, Nottingham …, 2014
The politics of ability and online culture wars
S Watson
FORUM 61 (1), 67-75, 2019
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