cici alexander
cici alexander
WHO GIS Centre for Health
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Normalised difference spectral indices and urban land cover as indicators of land surface temperature (LST)
C Alexander
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 86, 102013, 2020
Backscatter coefficient as an attribute for the classification of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data in urban areas
C Alexander, K Tansey, J Kaduk, D Holland, NJ Tate
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 65 (5), 423-432, 2010
Integrating building footprints and LiDAR elevation data to classify roof structures and visualise buildings
C Alexander, S Smith-Voysey, C Jarvis, K Tansey
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 33 (4), 285-292, 2009
Fine-scale vertical position as an indicator of vegetation in alkali grasslands–case study based on remotely sensed data
B Deák, O Valkó, C Alexander, W Mücke, A Kania, J Tamás, H Heilmeier
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 209 (12), 693-697, 2014
Influence of the proportion, height and proximity of vegetation and buildings on urban land surface temperature
C Alexander
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 95, 102265, 2021
Influence of micro-topography and crown characteristics on tree height estimations in tropical forests based on LiDAR canopy height models
C Alexander, AH Korstjens, RA Hill
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 65 …, 2018
Micro-topography driven vegetation patterns in open mosaic landscapes
C Alexander, B Deák, H Heilmeier
Ecological Indicators 60, 906-920, 2016
Airborne laser scanner (LiDAR) proxies for understory light conditions
C Alexander, JE Moeslund, PK Bøcher, L Arge, JC Svenning
Remote Sensing of Environment 134, 152-161, 2013
Delineating tree crowns from airborne laser scanning point cloud data using Delaunay triangulation
C Alexander
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (14), 3843-3848, 2009
Locating emergent trees in a tropical rainforest using data from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
C Alexander, AH Korstjens, E Hankinson, G Usher, N Harrison, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 72, 86-90, 2018
Classification of vegetation in an open landscape using full-waveform airborne laser scanner data
C Alexander, B Deák, A Kania, W Mücke, H Heilmeier
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 41, 76-87, 2015
Regional-scale mapping of tree cover, height and main phenological tree types using airborne laser scanning data
C Alexander, PK Bøcher, L Arge, JC Svenning
Remote Sensing of Environment 147, 156-172, 2014
Structural attributes of individual trees for identifying homogeneous patches in a tropical rainforest
C Alexander, AH Korstjens, RA Hill
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 55, 68-72, 2017
Sleeping trees and sleep-related behaviours of the siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) in a tropical lowland rainforest, Sumatra, Indonesia
NJ Harrison, RA Hill, C Alexander, CD Marsh, MG Nowak, A Abdullah, ...
Primates 62, 63-75, 2021
An approach to classification of airborne laser scanning point cloud data in an urban environment
C Alexander, K Tansey, J Kaduk, D Holland, NJ Tate
International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (24), 9151-9169, 2011
LiDAR patch metrics for object-based clustering of forest types in a tropical rainforest
C Alexander, AH Korstjens, G Usher, MG Nowak, G Fredriksson, RA Hill
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 73 …, 2018
Extraction of vegetation for topographic mapping from full-waveform airborne laser scanning data.
C Alexander, K Tansey, NJ Tate, S Smith-Voysey, J Kaduk
Computing river floods using massive terrain data
C Alexander, L Arge, PK Bøcher, M Revsbæk, B Sandel, JC Svenning, ...
International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 3-17, 2016
Monitoring of Habitat Quality in Fruit Orchards–a promising Example for the Application of Remote Sensing and GIS
R Achtziger, C Alexander, U Nigmann, O Wiche
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, 2014
From geospatial datasets to urban tree inventories
C Alexander
Nordic Remote Sensing Conference, 2019
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