Surinder Kahai
Surinder Kahai
Associate Professor, School of Management, State University of NY, Binghamton
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E-leadership: Implications for theory, research, and practice
BJ Avolio, S Kahai, GE Dodge
The leadership quarterly 11 (4), 615-668, 2000
Silver bullet or voodoo statistics? A primer for using the partial least squares data analytic technique in group and organization research
JJ Sosik, SS Kahai, MJ Piovoso
Group & Organization Management 34 (1), 5-36, 2009
E-leadership: Re-examining transformations in leadership source and transmission
BJ Avolio, JJ Sosik, SS Kahai, B Baker
The Leadership Quarterly 25 (1), 105-131, 2014
Effects of leadership style and anonymity on group potency and effectiveness in a group decision support system environment.
JJ Sosik, BJ Avolio, SS Kahai
Journal of applied psychology 82 (1), 89, 1997
Adding the “E” to E-leadership:: How it may impact your leadership
BJ Avolio, SS Kahai
Organizational dynamics 31 (4), 325-338, 2003
Transformational leadership and dimensions of creativity: Motivating idea generation in computer-mediated groups
JJ Sosik, SS Kahai, BJ Avolio
Creativity research journal 11 (2), 111-121, 1998
Exploring the core concepts of media richness theory: The impact of cue multiplicity and feedback immediacy on decision quality
SS Kahai, RB Cooper
Journal of management information systems 20 (1), 263-299, 2003
Effects of leadership style, anonymity, and rewards on creativity-relevant processes and outcomes in an electronic meeting system context
SS Kahai, JJ Sosik, BJ Avolio
The Leadership Quarterly 14 (4-5), 499-524, 2003
Effects of leadership style and problem structure on work group process and outcomes in an electronic meeting system environment
SS Kahai, JJ Sosik, BJ Avolio
Personnel psychology 50 (1), 121-146, 1997
The contingent effects of leadership on team collaboration in virtual teams
R Huang, S Kahai, R Jestice
Computers in human behavior 26 (5), 1098-1110, 2010
Team virtues and performance: An examination of transparency, behavioral integrity, and trust
ME Palanski, SS Kahai, FJ Yammarino
Journal of Business Ethics 99, 201-216, 2011
Leadership style, anonymity, and creativity in group decision support systems: The mediating role of optimal flow
JJ Sosik, SS Kahai, BJ Avolio
The Journal of Creative Behavior 33 (4), 227-256, 1999
Effects of participative and directive leadership in electronic groups
SS Kahai, JJ Sosik, BJ Avolio
Group & Organization Management 29 (1), 67-105, 2004
Inspiring group creativity: Comparing anonymous and identified electronic brainstorming
JJ Sosik, BJ Avolio, SS Kahai
Small group research 29 (1), 3-31, 1998
Team collaboration in virtual worlds
SS Kahai, E Carroll, R Jestice
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 38 (4 …, 2007
Computer-supported work group potency and effectiveness: The role of transformational leadership, anonymity, and task interdependence
JJ Sosik, BJ Avolio, SS Kahai, DI Jung
Computers in Human Behavior 14 (3), 491-511, 1998
Virtual teams: Implications for e-leadership and team development
BJ Avolio, S Kahai, R Dumdum, N Sivasubramaniam
How people evaluate others in organizations, 337-358, 2001
The effect of computer-mediated communication on agreement and acceptance
SS Kahai, RB Cooper
Journal of Management Information Systems 16 (1), 165-188, 1999
Leadership emergence in face-to-face and virtual teams: A multi-level model with agent-based simulations, quasi-experimental and experimental tests
A Serban, FJ Yammarino, SD Dionne, SS Kahai, C Hao, KA McHugh, ...
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (3), 402-418, 2015
Interaction effect of leadership and communication media on feedback positivity in virtual teams
SS Kahai, R Huang, RJ Jestice
Group & Organization Management 37 (6), 716-751, 2012
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