Hiroshi Okamura
Hiroshi Okamura
Yokohama City University, School of Data Science
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Swimming behaviour and migration of a swordfish recorded by an archival tag
M Takahashi, H Okamura, K Yokawa, M Okazaki
Marine and Freshwater Research 54 (4), 527-534, 2003
A novel statistical method for validating the periodicity of vertebral growth band formation in elasmobranch fishes
H Okamura, Y Semba
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (5), 771-780, 2009
Effect of bait species and color on sea turtle bycatch and fish catch in a pelagic longline fishery
K Yokota, M Kiyota, H Okamura
Fisheries Research 97 (1-2), 53-58, 2009
Stock assessment of the autumn cohort of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the North Pacific based on past large-scale high seas driftnet fishery data
T Ichii, K Mahapatra, H Okamura, Y Okada
Fisheries Research 78 (2-3), 286-297, 2006
The status of Japanese fisheries relative to fisheries around the world
M Ichinokawa, H Okamura, H Kurota
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (5), 1277-1287, 2017
Changes in abundance of the neon flying squid Ommastrephes bartramii in relation to climate change in the central North Pacific Ocean
T Ichii, K Mahapatra, M Sakai, T Wakabayashi, H Okamura, H Igarashi, ...
MEPS 441, 151-164, 2011
Provisioning strategies of Antarctic fur seals and chinstrap penguins produce different responses to distribution of common prey and habitat
T Ichii, JL Bengtson, PL Boveng, Y Takao, JK Jansen, LM Hiruki-Raring, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 344, 277-297, 2007
Climate change shifts the spawning ground northward and extends the spawning period of chub mackerel in the western North Pacific
Y Kanamori, A Takasuka, S Nishijima, H Okamura
Marine Ecology Progress Series 624, 155-166, 2019
Prey selection of common minke (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and Bryde's (Balaenoptera edeni) whales in the western North Pacific in 2000 and 2001
H Murase, T Tamura, H Kiwada, Y Fujise, H Watanabe, H Ohizumi, ...
Fisheries oceanography 16 (2), 186-201, 2007
Parasites as biological tags of stocks of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the North Pacific Ocean
Contributed Papers to International Symposium on Large Pelagic Squids, Tokyo …, 1998
A macro‐scale perspective on within‐farm management: how climate and topography alter the effect of farming practices
T Amano, Y Kusumoto, H Okamura, YG Baba, K Hamasaki, K Tanaka, ...
Ecology Letters 14 (12), 1263-1272, 2011
Climate change and interspecific interactions drive species alternations between anchovy and sardine in the western North Pacific: Detection of causality by convergent cross …
SI Nakayama, A Takasuka, M Ichinokawa, H Okamura
Fisheries Oceanography 27 (4), 312-322, 2018
Marginal increment analysis: a new statistical approach of testing for temporal periodicity in fish age verification
H Okamura, AE Punt, Y Semba, M Ichinokawa
Journal of Fish Biology 82 (4), 1239-1249, 2013
Risk assessment of radioisotope contamination for aquatic living resources in and around Japan
H Okamura, S Ikeda, T Morita, S Eguchi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (14), 3838-3843, 2016
An asymmetric logistic regression model for ecological data
O Komori, S Eguchi, S Ikeda, H Okamura, M Ichinokawa, S Nakayama
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (2), 249-260, 2016
A note on the von Bertalanffy growth function concerning the allocation of surplus energy to reproduction
S Ohnishi, T Yamakawa, H Okamura, T Akamine
Similarity indices, ordination, and community analysis tests using the software R
H Doi, H Okamura
Japanese Journal of Ecology 61 (1), 3-20, 2011
生物群集解析のための類似度とその応用: R を使った類似度の算出, グラフ化, 検定
土居秀幸, 岡村寛
日本生態学会誌 61 (1), 3-20, 2011
Estimating the underwater shape of tuna longlines with micro-bathythermographs
K Mizuno, M Okazaki, H Nakano, H Okamura
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 1999
Estimation of underwater shape of tuna longline by using micro-BTs
K Mizuno
Bull. Nat. Res. Inst. Far. Seas. Fish. 34, 1-24, 1997
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