Olabode Ijasan
Inversion-based petrophysical interpretation of logging-while-drilling nuclear and resistivity measurements
O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdín, WE Preeg
Geophysics 78 (6), D473-D489, 2013
Fast modeling of borehole neutron porosity measurements with a new spatial transport-diffusion approximation
O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdín, WE Preeg
Geophysics 78 (3), D151-D168, 2013
Interpretation of porosity and fluid constituents from well logs using an interactive neutron-density matrix scale
O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdín, WE Preeg
Interpretation 1 (2), T143-T155, 2013
Inversion-based method for interpretation of logging-while-drilling density measurements acquired in high-angle and horizontal wells
A Mendoza, O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdín, WE Preeg, J Rasmus, RJ Radtke, ...
Geophysics 77 (4), D113-D127, 2012
Rapid modeling of LWD nuclear measurements acquired in high-angle and horizontal wells for improved petrophysical and geometrical interpretation
O Ijasan
Estimation of porosity and fluid constituents from neutron and density logs using an interactive matrix scale
O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdín, WE Preeg
SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, SPWLA-2013-T, 2013
Rapid modeling of LWD nuclear measurements acquired in high-angle and horizontal wells for improved petrophysical and geometrical interpretation
O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdín, W Preeg, A Mendoza
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, 2011
Method of determining unconventional reservoir saturation with NMR logging
SJ Ye, A Scribner, D McLendon, O Ijasan, S Chen, W Shao, R Balliet
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D021S032R002, 2019
Field examples of the joint petrophysical inversion of resistivity and nuclear measurements acquired in high-angle and horizontal wells
O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdín, WE Preeg, J Rasmus, E Stockhausen
Geophysics 79 (3), D145-D159, 2014
Rapid, interactive assessment of petrophysical and geometrical effects on density and neutron logs acquired in vertical and deviated wells
Z Heidari, C Torres-Verdín, A Mendoza, O Ijasan, B Voss, B Preeg
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-124879-MS, 2009
Fast-forward modeling of azimuthal logging-while-drilling neutron porosity measurements in the presence of borehole and environmental effects
O Ijasan, CR Case, JM Chiaramonte, DV Ellis, BA Roscoe
SPWLA 54th Annual Logging Symposium, 2013
Inversion-based interpretation of logging-while-drilling resistivity and nuclear measurements: field examples of application in high-angle and horizontal wells
O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdin, WE Preeg, J Rasmus, EJ Stockhausen
Petrophysics 55 (05), 374-391, 2014
Inversion-based interpretation of LWD resistivity and nuclear measurements: field examples of application in high-angle and horizontal wells
O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdín, WE Preeg, J Rasmus, EJ Stockhausen
SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, SPWLA-2014-FF, 2014
NMR T1-T2 Logging in Unconventional Reservoirs: Pore-Size Distribution, Permeability, and Reservoir Quality
O Ijasan, J Macquaker, M Luycx, S Alzobaidi, E Oyewole, M Rudnicki
Petrophysics 63 (03), 352-367, 2022
Estimating Characteristic Relaxation Properties from NMR T1-T2 Measurements in Unconventional Reservoirs
O Ijasan, D McLendon
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, D033S082R015, 2020
Poroelastic prediction of matrix compressibility and pressure dependent permeability: Impact on simulated recovery factors in Permian Basin resource rocks, USA
B Crawford, M Cronin, O Ijasan, M Luycx, D McLendon, S Chhatre
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, D031S060R003, 2023
Core-calibrated multi-mineral interpretation in reservoirs with complex mineralogy
M Luycx, B Wheelock, H Kadir, EO Oyewole, O Ijasan, D McLendon
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 20–22 June 2022, 2431-2445, 2022
Fast modeling of borehole neutron measurements with a new transport-diffusion approximation
O Ijasan, C Torres-Verdín, W Preeg
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2012-0832, 2012
Surface relaxivities and bulk relaxation times from nuclear magnetic resonance - logging in unconventional reservoirs
O Ijasan
Geophysics 87 (5), D147-D159, 2022
Is Porosity Anisotropy Real and Will it Affect My Petrophysical Evaluations?
J Rasmus, O Ijasan, C Morriss, R Griffiths, D Ellis, JM Chiaramonte, ...
SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, SPWLA-2013-K, 2013
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