Linqi Lu
Source trust and COVID-19 information sharing: the mediating roles of emotions and beliefs about sharing
L Lu, J Liu, YC Yuan, KS Burns, E Lu, D Li
Health Education & Behavior 48 (2), 132-139, 2021
Health information seeking behaviors and source preferences between Chinese and US populations
L Lu, J Liu, YC Yuan
Journal of health communication 25 (6), 490-500, 2020
Cultural differences in cancer information acquisition: cancer risk perceptions, fatalistic beliefs, and worry as predictors of cancer information seeking and avoidance in the …
L Lu, J Liu, YC Yuan
Health Communication 37 (11), 1442-1451, 2022
The effects of vaccine efficacy information on vaccination intentions through perceived response efficacy and hope
L Lu, J Liu, SJ Kim, R Tao, DV Shah, DM McLeod
Journal of health communication 28 (2), 121-129, 2023
Disruptive versus nondisruptive advertising in online streaming video services: How does advertisement placement affect consumer perceptions and ad effectiveness?
KR Christy, RZ Mi, R Tao, L Lu
Journal of Advertising Research 63 (2), 123-138, 2023
Fighting fire or fighting war: examining the framing effects of COVID-19 metaphors
R Tao, SJ Kim, L Lu, J Kang, D McLeod
Health communication, 1-15, 2023
The effects of framing and advocacy expectancy on belief importance and issue attitude
J Liu, MH Su, DM McLeod, J Abisaid, L Lu
Mass Communication and Society 23 (4), 537-553, 2020
Learning through rewards: priming and identification as psychological mechanisms of the effects of LGBTQ+ narratives on inclusive attitudes and behavioral intentions
R Tao, N Nguyen, L Lu, L Sun, H Gill, K Christy, K Riddle
Media Psychology 27 (2), 186-210, 2024
Psychological antecedents of COVID-19 information sharing within strong-tie and weak-tie networks
L Lu, J Liu, YC Yuan, E Lu, D Li
PEC innovation 1, 100035, 2022
Countering online marketing and user endorsements with enhanced cannabis warning labels: An online experiment among at-risk youth and young adults
S Yang, LM Cotter, L Lu, LA Kriss, M Minich, J Liu, LD Silver, CN Cascio
Preventive Medicine 180, 107877, 2024
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