Moritz Breul
Revisiting gateway cities: Connecting hubs in global networks to their hinterlands
S Scholvin, M Breul, JR Diez
Urban Geography 40 (9), 1291-1309, 2019
An intermediate step to resource peripheries: The strategic coupling of gateway cities in the upstream oil and gas GPN
M Breul, JR Diez
Geoforum 92, 9-17, 2018
Filtering strategic coupling: territorial intermediaries in oil and gas global production networks in Southeast Asia
M Breul, J Revilla Diez, MT Sambodo
Journal of Economic Geography 19 (4), 829-851, 2019
Path formation and reformation: studying the variegated consequences of path creation for regional development
M Breul, C Hulke, L Kalvelage
Economic Geography 97 (3), 213-234, 2021
Gateway cities in global production networks: exemplified by the oil and gas sector
S Scholvin, M Breul, P Mello, M Françoso, J Revilla Diez
UNICAMP Texto para discussão 307, 2017
Cities in ‘multiple globalizations’: insights from the upstream oil and gas World City Network
M Breul
Regional Studies, Regional Science 6 (1), 25-31, 2019
“One thing leads to another”, but where?–Gateway cities and the geography of production linkages
M Breul, J Revilla Diez
Growth and Change 52 (1), 29-47, 2021
The impact of extractive industries on regional diversification–evidence from Vietnam
M Breul, TXT Nguyen
The Extractive Industries and Society 11, 100982, 2022
The effect of natural disasters on FDI attraction: a sector-based analysis over time and space
T Neise, F Sohns, M Breul, J Revilla Diez
Natural Hazards 110 (2), 999-1023, 2022
Städte als regionale Knotenpunkte in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten: das Beispiel der Erdöl-und Erdgasindustrie in Südostasien
M Breul, J Revilla Diez
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 61 (3-4), 156-173, 2017
Hightech-Industrien und die Herausbildung regionaler Innovationssysteme in Deutschland
JR Diez, M Breul
Wirtschaftsgeographie Deutschlands, 227-258, 2023
Applying evolutionary economic geography beyond case studies in the global north: Regional diversification in Vietnam
M Breul, F Pruß
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 43 (1), 26-42, 2022
A magic formula for economic development? Global market integration and spatial polarization in extractive industries
S Scholvin, M Breul, JR Diez
Area Development and Policy 6 (3), 337-346, 2021
Extractive industries and regional diversification: A multidimensional framework for diversification in mining regions
M Breul, M Atienza
The Extractive Industries and Society 11, 101125, 2022
Plugging into global production networks: density, distance, division and the local context of Brazil’s oil and gas sector
S Scholvin, M Françoso, M Breul, P Mello, M Serra, A Borges, P Bastos
Unicamp Texto para Discussão 317, 1-48, 2017
The SIJORI Growth Triangle
JR Diez, M Breul, J Moneke
Journal of Southeast Asian Economies 36 (1), 71-90, 2019
Gateway cities in global production networks: Insights from the oil and gas industry in Southeast Asia
M Breul
Springer, 2019
Territorial complementarities and competition for oil and gas FDI in the SIJORI Growth Triangle
J Revilla Diez, M Breul, J Moneke
Economics Working Paper, 2018
Diversity in brokerage: how do gateway cities interlink their hinterlands?
S Scholvin, M Breul, JR Diez
Regional Studies 57 (2), 215-224, 2023
An unexpected gateway: The particularities of Mauritius as a hub in oil and gas GPNs
S Scholvin, M Breul
Development Southern Africa 38 (1), 139-152, 2021
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