Yeri Sutopo
Yeri Sutopo
Doctor in Civil Engineering, Lecturer in Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty at Unnes
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Statistika Inferensial
AS Yeri Sutopo
Construct Validity and Reliability of Attitudes towards Chemistry of Science Teacher Candidates.
W Sumarni, E Susilaningsih, Y Sutopo
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 7 (1), 39-47, 2018
The Formation of Conservation-Based Behaviour of Mechanical Engineering Students through Contextual Learning Approach.
Y Sutopo
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 12 (4), 617-627, 2017
The role of transformational leadership, work environment, motivation on job satisfaction and teachers performance of vocational schools
E Siswanto, S Samsudi, E Supraptono, Y Sutopo, A Purwanto
AIP Conference Proceedings 2765 (1), 2023
Developing fashion design vocational career guidance module
KAA Karend, Y Sutopo, D Widjanarko
Journal of Vocational and Career Education 5 (2), 2020
The effects of spillway width on outflow discharge and flow elevation for the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)
Y Sutopo, KS Utomo, N Tinov
Civil Engineering Journal 8 (4), 723-733, 2022
Analisis Stabilitas Bangunan Sabo Dam Ge-C13 Kali Gendol Merapi
S Madiastuti, Y Sutopo, A Sutarto, KS Utomo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil 9 (1), 40-46, 2020
Groundsill stability in downstream of bridge “Besi” in body of water at River Garang Semarang city, Indonesia
Y Sutopo, AE Saputro
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2), 022073, 2020
Analisis kebutuhan air irigasi daerah irigasi Senjoyo Kabupaten Semarang
FJ Kurnianto, Y Sutopo
Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil X 2020, 2020
Application of Android-Based Interactive Learning Media in Clean Water Pipe Installation System Teaching Material
AF Vebrianingtyas, Y Sutopo, R Kusumawardani
Journal of Vocational and Career Education 7 (2), 2022
The Performance of the Production Unit Program Ibu Kartini Semarang Vocational High School
RY Shagira, Y Sutopo, R Syamwil
Journal of Vocational and Career Education 6 (1), 2021
Thermal comfort of colonial office building, Semarang using EnergyPlus simulation
A Ardiyanto, NH Hamid, Y Sutopo
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 14 (4), 834-841, 2019
The Practicality and Effectivity of Audiovisual Media Usage in Increasing Learning Output of Drawing Polygon
N Adisasongko, M Khumaedi, Y Sutopo
Journal of Vocational and Career Education 6 (1), 2021
Perencanaan Sand Pocket Sebagai Bangunan Pengendali Aliran Sedimen di Kali Opak Yogyakarta
Y Sutopo, KS Utomo, SZ Ghifari
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan 18 (2), 107-114, 2016
Development of Soft Skills Oriented to SPA Services (Solus Per Aqua) in the Vocational Education Teaching Factory
F Nurvitasari, E Supraptono, A Kusumastuti, Y Sutopo
Journal of Vocational and Career Education 8 (1), 17-28, 2023
Comparison of seismic response corner beam-column joint with and without fuse bars under in-plane lateral cyclic loading
ND Hadi, NHA Hamid, IF Azmi, R Hassan, Y Sutopo, B Chao, ...
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 19 (1), e420, 2022
Defleksi Lateral Tiang Tunggal Akibat Beban Lateral pada Tanah Pasir
AF Lafit, TC Upomo, Y Sutopo, A Sutarto
INERSIA lnformasi dan Ekspose Hasil Riset Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur 17 (2 …, 2021
The Effect of the Application of the Learning Model 6 Step Teaching Factory (Tf-6m) and Achievements Learning Entrepreneurship on Interest Entrepreneurs for Vocational Students
E Siswanto, S Samsudi, E Supraptono, Y Sutopo
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology 7 (1), 134-139, 2021
Dimensi Saluran Bendung Sidomble Daerah Irigasi Sidopangus Kabupaten Semarang
MA Azizi, Y Sutopo
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil UMS, 209-216, 2020
Need Analysis Development Instruments Evaluation of Vocational Industrial Work Practices Based on Competence Fitness
S Rohman, Y Sutopo
International Conference on Science and Education and Technology (ISET 2019 …, 2020
文章 1–20