Fartein Ask Torvik
Fartein Ask Torvik
在 fhi.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Alcohol use and mental distress as predictors of non-response in a general population health survey: the HUNT study
FA Torvik, K Rognmo, K Tambs
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 47, 805-816, 2012
Barn av foreldre med psykiske lidelser eller alkoholmisbruk. Omfang og konsekvenser
FA Torvik, K Rognmo
rapport Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt, 2011
Life satisfaction in close relationships: Findings from a longitudinal study
K Gustavson, E Røysamb, I Borren, FA Torvik, E Karevold
Journal of Happiness Studies 17, 1293-1311, 2016
Mechanisms linking parental educational attainment with child ADHD, depression, and academic problems: a study of extended families in The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child …
FA Torvik, EM Eilertsen, TA McAdams, K Gustavson, HD Zachrisson, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 61 (9), 1009-1018, 2020
Parental alcohol use and adolescent school adjustment in the general population: Results from the HUNT study
FA Torvik, K Rognmo, H Ask, E Røysamb, K Tambs
BMC public health 11, 1-11, 2011
Non-random mating and convergence over time for alcohol consumption, smoking, and exercise: the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study
H Ask, K Rognmo, FA Torvik, E Røysamb, K Tambs
Behavior genetics 42, 354-365, 2012
Joint factorial structure of psychopathology and personality
T Rosenström, LC Gjerde, RF Krueger, SH Aggen, NO Czajkowski, ...
Psychological medicine 49 (13), 2158-2167, 2019
Mental distress predicts divorce over 16 years: the HUNT study
M Idstad, FA Torvik, I Borren, K Rognmo, E Røysamb, K Tambs
BMC public health 15, 1-10, 2015
Discordant and concordant alcohol use in spouses as predictors of marital dissolution in the general population: Results from the H unt study
FA Torvik, E Røysamb, K Gustavson, M Idstad, K Tambs
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 37 (5), 877-884, 2013
Diagnostic and genetic overlap of three common mental disorders in structured interviews and health registries
FA Torvik, E Ystrom, K Gustavson, TH Rosenström, JG Bramness, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 137 (1), 54-64, 2018
Atferdsforstyrrelser blant barn og unge i Norge: Beregnet forekomst og bruk av hjelpetiltak
JC Skogen, FA Torvik
Folkehelseinstituttet rapport 4, 2013
Parental income and mental disorders in children and adolescents: prospective register-based study
JM Kinge, S Øverland, M Flatø, J Dieleman, O Røgeberg, MC Magnus, ...
International Journal of Epidemiology 1, 13, 2021
Paternal and maternal alcohol abuse and offspring mental distress in the general population: the Nord-Trøndelag health study
K Rognmo, FA Torvik, H Ask, E Røysamb, K Tambs
BMC public health 12, 1-12, 2012
Modeling assortative mating and genetic similarities between partners, siblings, and in-laws
FA Torvik, EM Eilertsen, LJ Hannigan, R Cheesman, LJ Howe, P Magnus, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1108, 2022
Prediction of alcohol use disorder using personality disorder traits: a twin study
T Rosenström, FA Torvik, E Ystrom, NO Czajkowski, NA Gillespie, ...
Addiction 113 (1), 15-24, 2018
Explaining the association between anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorder: A twin study
FA Torvik, TH Rosenström, K Gustavson, E Ystrom, KS Kendler, ...
Depression and anxiety 36 (6), 522-532, 2019
Longitudinal associations between social anxiety disorder and avoidant personality disorder: A twin study.
FA Torvik, A Welander-Vatn, E Ystrom, GP Knudsen, N Czajkowski, ...
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 125 (1), 114, 2016
Health, health behaviors, and health dissimilarities predict divorce: results from the HUNT study
FA Torvik, K Gustavson, E Røysamb, K Tambs
BMC psychology 3, 1-9, 2015
Genetic and environmental structure of DSM-IV criteria for antisocial personality disorder: A twin study
T Rosenström, E Ystrom, FA Torvik, NO Czajkowski, NA Gillespie, ...
Behavior Genetics 47, 265-277, 2017
The association between personality disorders with alcohol use and misuse: A population-based twin study
EC Long, SH Aggen, MC Neale, GP Knudsen, RF Krueger, SC South, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 174, 171-180, 2017
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