Melinda Renee Nicewonger, PhD
Melinda Renee Nicewonger, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, NOAA GMD
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The SP19 chronology for the South Pole Ice Core–Part 1: volcanic matching and annual layer counting
DA Winski, TJ Fudge, DG Ferris, EC Osterberg, JM Fegyveresi, J Cole-Dai, ...
Climate of the Past 15 (5), 1793-1808, 2019
Preindustrial atmospheric ethane levels inferred from polar ice cores: A constraint on the geologic sources of atmospheric ethane and methane
MR Nicewonger, KR Verhulst, M Aydin, ES Saltzman
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (1), 214-221, 2016
Large changes in biomass burning over the last millennium inferred from paleoatmospheric ethane in polar ice cores
MR Nicewonger, M Aydin, MJ Prather, ES Saltzman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (49), 12413-12418, 2018
Carbonyl sulfide hydrolysis in Antarctic ice cores and an atmospheric history for the last 8000 years
M Aydin, TJ Fudge, KR Verhulst, MR Nicewonger, ED Waddington, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (13), 8500-8514, 2014
Changes in atmospheric carbonyl sulfide over the last 54,000 years inferred from measurements in Antarctic ice cores
M Aydin, JE Campbell, TJ Fudge, KM Cuffey, MR Nicewonger, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (4), 1943-1954, 2016
Core handling, transportation and processing for the South Pole ice core (SPICEcore) project
JM Souney, MS Twickler, M Aydin, EJ Steig, TJ Fudge, LV Street, ...
Annals of Glaciology 62 (84), 118-130, 2021
Anthropogenic impacts on atmospheric carbonyl sulfide since the 19th century inferred from polar firn air and ice core measurements
M Aydin, GL Britten, SA Montzka, C Buizert, F Primeau, V Petrenko, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125 (16), e2020JD033074, 2020
Reconstruction of paleofire emissions over the past millennium from measurements of ice core acetylene
MR Nicewonger, M Aydin, MJ Prather, ES Saltzman
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (3), e2019GL085101, 2020
ENSO‐Driven Fires Cause Large Interannual Variability in the Naturally Emitted, Ozone‐Depleting Trace Gas CH3Br
MR Nicewonger, ES Saltzman, SA Montzka
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (3), e2021GL094756, 2022
A post‐phaseout retrospective reassessment of the global methyl bromide budget
ES Saltzman, MR Nicewonger, SA Montzka, SA Yvon‐Lewis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127 (3), e2021JD035567, 2022
Extracting a history of global fire emissions for the past millennium from ice core records of acetylene, Ethane, and Methane
MR Nicewonger, M Aydin, MJ Prather, ES Saltzman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125 (20), e2020JD032932, 2020
Impacts of ocean biogeochemistry on atmospheric chemistry
L Tinel, J Abbatt, E Saltzman, A Engel, R Fernandez, Q Li, AS Mahajan, ...
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 11 (1), 2023
Carbonyl sulfide measurements from a South Pole ice core and implications for atmospheric variability since the last glacial period
M Aydin, MR Nicewonger, GL Britten, D Winski, M Whelan, JD Patterson, ...
Climate of the Past Discussions 2023, 1-46, 2023
Ice core records of ethane and acetylene for use as biomass burning proxies
MR Nicewonger
University of California, Irvine, 2019
Carbonyl sulfide measurements from a South Pole ice core and implications for atmospheric variability since the last glacial period
M Aydin, MR Nicewonger, GL Britten, D Winski, M Whelan, JD Patterson, ...
Climate of the Past 20 (8), 1885-1917, 2024
Biomass Burning Emissions Throughout the Last Deglaciation: LGM to Holocene
JC Ayala, MR Nicewonger, M Aydin, ES Saltzman
AGU23, 2023
Biomass Burning Emissions Throughout the Last Deglaciation: LGM to Holocene
J Campos Ayala, MR Nicewonger, M Aydin, ES Saltzman
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, C44A-05, 2023
Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements from the GISP2D Ice Core from Summit, Greenland
M Aydin, MR Nicewonger, J Campos Ayala, TJ Fudge, J Patterson, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (1434), C33E-1434, 2023
Variability in acetylene in the GISP2 ice core and high latitude northern fire emissions over the Holocene
JC Ayala, MR Nicewonger, AB Vilchez, M Aydin, ES Saltzman
AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021
Variability in acetylene in the GISP2 ice core and high latitude northern fire emissions over the Holocene
J Campos Ayala, M Nicewonger, A Vilchez, M Aydin, E Saltzman
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, C45D-1043, 2021
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