Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind. Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival (3rd ed). G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Mcgraw-hill, 2010 | 67805* | 2010 |
Cultures et organizations: Comprendre nos programmations mentales G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Pearson Education France, 2010 | 67192 | 2010 |
Culturas y Organizaciones: Software mental: cooperación intercultural y su importancia para la supervivencia G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov | 7322* | 2019 |
Culture e organizzazioni; valori e strategie per operare efficacemente in contesti internazionali G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Franco Angeli, 2014 | 6631* | 2014 |
The 6-D model of national culture G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede 4, 2019 | 3218* | 2019 |
Kultury i organizacje (Wydanie III zmienone) G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Polskie Wydawnictowo Ekonomiczne, 2011 | 2232* | 2011 |
Lokales Denken, globales Handeln: interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und globales Management G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede Beck, München, 2006 | 2146 | 2006 |
Cultures and organizations, Software of the mind: intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival (revised and expanded 2nd ed.) G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede Mc Graw-Hill, 2005 | 1645* | 2005 |
Cultures and organizations: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Software of the Mind London: McGraw-Hill, 313-332, 1991 | 1295 | 1991 |
Exploring culture: Exercises, stories, and synthetic cultures GJ Hofstede, P Pedersen, GH Hofstede Intercultural Press (Nicholas Brealey Intl), 2002 | 1101 | 2002 |
Allemaal andersdenkenden: omgaan met cultuurverschillen (derde editie) G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Contact, 2011 | 826* | 2011 |
Allemaal andersdenkenden: omgaan met cultuurverschillen (tweede editie) G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede Contact, 2005 | 826* | 2005 |
Organisationer och kulturer G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2011 | 453* | 2011 |
Food safety and transparency in food chains and networks: Relationships and challenges AJM Beulens, DF Broens, P Folstar, GJ Hofstede Food Control 16 (6), 481-486, 2005 | 414 | 2005 |
Values survey module 2008 manual G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov, H Vinken | 399* | 2008 |
Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Hakjisa, 2014 | 332 | 2014 |
Cultures and Organizations, Software of the Mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, 2010 | 322* | 2010 |
Kultury a organizace: software lidské mysli: spolupráce mezi kulturami a její důležitost pro přežití G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, 2007 | 272* | 2007 |
Dimension data matrix G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede and VSM/ 3, 2010 | 263* | 2010 |
Lokales Denken, globales Handeln Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und globales Management. 6 G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede, M Minkov Auflage, Beck, München, 2017 | 216 | 2017 |