Ivan Olmos
Ivan Olmos
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
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Segmentation and classification of bone marrow cells images using contextual information for medical diagnosis of acute leukemias
C Reta, L Altamirano, JA Gonzalez, R Diaz-Hernandez, H Peregrina, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0130805, 2015
Feature extraction from EEG spectrograms for epileptic seizure detection
R Ramos-Aguilar, JA Olvera-López, I Olmos-Pineda, S Sánchez-Urrieta
Pattern Recognition Letters 133, 202-209, 2020
Scientometric mapping of computer science research in Mexico
A Uddin, VK Singh, D Pinto, I Olmos
Scientometrics 105, 97-114, 2015
Automatic region of interest segmentation for breast thermogram image classification
D Sánchez-Ruiz, I Olmos-Pineda, JA Olvera-López
Pattern Recognition Letters 135, 72-81, 2020
Analysis of EEG signal processing techniques based on spectrograms
R Ramos-Aguilar, JA Olvera-López, I Olmos-Pineda
Res Comput Sci 145, 151-162, 2017
Defining new argumentation-based semantics by minimal models
JC Nieves, U Cortés, M Osorio, I Olmos, JA Gonzalez
2006 Seventh Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, 210-220, 2006
Leukemia identification from bone marrow cells images using a machine vision and data mining strategy
JA Gonzalez, I Olmos, L Altamirano, BA Morales, C Reta, MC Galindo, ...
Intelligent Data Analysis 15 (3), 443-462, 2011
Subgraph Isomorphism Detection Using a Code Based Representation.
I Olmos, JA Gonzalez, M Osorio
FLAIRS, 474-479, 2005
Inexact graph matching: A case of study.
I Olmos, JA Gonzalez, M Osorio
FLAIRS, 586-591, 2006
La Realidad Aumentada: creando experiencias motivadoras en el aula
L Rodríguez Vizzuett, J Guerrero García, I Olmos Pineda
Elementos 119, 27-31, 2020
Correction: segmentation and classification of bone marrow cells images using contextual information for medical diagnosis of acute leukemias
C Reta, L Altamirano, JA Gonzalez, R Diaz-Hernandez, H Peregrina, ...
PLoS One 10 (7), e0134066, 2015
Information retrieval and classification based approaches for the sexual predator identification
D Vilariño, E Castillo, D Pinto, I Olmos, S León
Faculty of Computer Science, Mexico, 2012
Speed Bump Detection on Roads using Artificial Vision.
AL Ballinas-Hernández, IO Pineda, JA Olvera-López
Res. Comput. Sci. 148 (9), 71-82, 2019
Forecast of air quality based on ozone by decision trees and neural networks
N Loya, I Olmos Pineda, D Pinto, H Gómez-Adorno, Y Alemán
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Mexican International Conference …, 2013
Minería de Datos
I Olmos Pineda, JA González Bernal
Puebla, México, 2007
Formal protocol for the creation of a database of physiological and behavioral signals for the automatic recognition of emotions
YN González-Meneses, J Guerrero-García, CA Reyes-García, ...
Iberoamerican Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction, 211-226, 2019
Mouth and eyebrow segmentation for emotion recognition using interpolated polynomials
J García-Ramírez, JA Olvera-López, I Olmos-Pineda, M Martín-Ortíz
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 34 (5), 3119-3131, 2018
Cultural aspects in the user experience design of an ASLR system
S Silva-Prietch, JM Gonzalez-Calleros, JA Sánchez, I Olmos-Pineda, ...
Proceedings of the IX Latin American Conference on Human Computer …, 2019
Graph-based and Lexical-Syntactic Approaches for the Authorship Attribution Task.
E Castillo, DV Ayala, D Pinto, I Olmos, JA González, M Carrillo
CLEF (Online Working Notes/Labs/Workshop), 2012
Marked and unmarked speed bump detection for autonomous vehicles using stereo vision
AL Ballinas-Hernández, I Olmos-Pineda, JA Olvera-López
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 42 (5), 4685-4697, 2022
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