Artur Rot
IT risk assessment: quantitative and qualitative approach
A Rot
Resource 283 (March), 284, 2008
Interval model of the efficiency of the functioning of information web resources for services on ecological expertise
M Dyvak, O Papa, A Melnyk, A Pukas, N Porplytsya, A Rot
Mathematics 8 (12), 2116, 2020
Design and Assessment of User Interface Optimized for Elderly People. A Case Study of Actgo-Gate Platform
A Rot, R Kutera, W Gryncewicz
The 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2017
Digital transformation of public administration through blockchain technology
A Rot, M Sobińska, M Hernes, B Franczyk
Towards Industry 4.0—current challenges in information systems, 111-126, 2020
Advanced Persistent Threats Attacks in Cyberspace. Threats, Vulnerabilities, Methods of Protection.
A Rot, B Olszewski
FedCSIS (Position Papers), 113-117, 2017
Ontology of mathematical modeling based on interval data
M Dyvak, A Melnyk, A Rot, M Hernes, A Pukas
Complexity 2022 (1), 8062969, 2022
IT security threats in cloud computing sourcing model,[w:] Proceedings of the 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information, Ganzha M., Maciaszek L., Paprzycki …
A Rot, M Sobińska
Ganzha M., Maciaszek L., Paprzycki M.(red.), PTI, Kraków, fedcsis. org …, 2013
Deep learning for customer churn prediction in e-commerce decision support
M Pondel, M Wuczyński, W Gryncewicz, Ł Łysik, M Hernes, A Rot, ...
Business Information Systems, 3-12, 2021
Towards Industry 4.0: Functional and technological basis for ERP 4.0 Systems
A Bytniewski, K Matouk, A Rot, M Hernes, A Kozina
Towards Industry 4.0—Current Challenges in Information Systems, 3-19, 2020
Artificial intelligence in cybersecurity: the use of AI along the cyber kill chain
I Chomiak-Orsa, A Rot, B Blaicke
International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence, 406-416, 2019
Blockchain’s future role in cybersecurity. analysis of defensive and offensive potential leveraging blockchain-based platforms
A Rot, B Blaicke
2019 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2019
Enterprise information technology security: risk management perspective
A Rot
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2, 20-22, 2009
The Potential of the Internet of Things in Knowledge Management System
A Rot, M Sobinska
Position Papers of the 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and …, 2018
Monitoring and mathematical modeling of soil and groundwater contamination by harmful emissions of nitrogen dioxide from motor vehicles
M Dyvak, A Rot, R Pasichnyk, V Tymchyshyn, N Huliiev, Y Maslyiak
Sustainability 13 (5), 2768, 2021
Technologia blockchain jako rewolucja w transakcjach cyfrowych. Aspekty technologiczne i potencjalne zastosowania
A Rot, R Zygała
Informatyka Ekonomiczna. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2018
Modeling Based on the Analysis of Interval Data of Atmospheric Air Pollution Processes with Nitrogen Dioxide due to the Spread of Vehicle Exhaust Gases
M Dyvak, I Spivak, A Melnyk, V Manzhula, T Dyvak, A Rot, M Hernes
Sustainability 15 (3), 2163, 2023
Financial time series forecasting: Comparison of traditional and spiking neural networks
K Mateńczuk, A Kozina, A Markowska, K Czerniachowska, ...
Procedia Computer Science 192, 5023-5029, 2021
Liquidity prediction on Vietnamese stock market using deep learning
PQ Khang, M Hernes, K Kuziak, A Rot, W Gryncewicz
Procedia Computer Science 176, 2050-2058, 2020
Towards Industry 4.0: Current Challenges in Information Systems
M Hernes, A Rot, D Jelonek
Springer, 2020
Zarządzanie ryzykiem w cyberprzestrzeni – wybrane zagadnienia teorii i praktyki
A Rot
Projektowanie i realizacja systemów informatycznych zarządzania. Wybrane …, 2016
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