Patrice Creux
Strong specific hydroxide ion binding at the pristine oil/water and air/water interfaces
P Creux, J Lachaise, A Graciaa, JK Beattie, AM Djerdjev
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (43), 14146-14150, 2009
Functional silica monoliths with hierarchical uniform porosity as continuous flow catalytic reactors
A Sachse, A Galarneau, F Fajula, F Di Renzo, P Creux, B Coq
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 140 (1-3), 58-68, 2011
Specific cation effects at the hydroxide-charged air/water interface
P Creux, J Lachaise, A Graciaa, JK Beattie
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (9), 3753-3755, 2007
Computational permeability determination from pore-scale imaging: sample size, mesh and method sensitivities
R Guibert, M Nazarova, P Horgue, G Hamon, P Creux, G Debenest
Transport in Porous Media 107, 641-656, 2015
Adsorption/occlusion characteristics of asphaltenes: some implication for asphaltene structural features
Z Liao, H Zhou, A Graciaa, A Chrostowska, P Creux, A Geng
Energy & fuels 19 (1), 180-186, 2005
Saturated hydrocarbons occluded inside asphaltene structures and their geochemical significance, as exemplified by two Venezuelan oils
Z Liao, A Geng, A Graciaa, P Creux, A Chrostowska, Y Zhang
Organic Geochemistry 37 (3), 291-303, 2006
Finely Dispersed Particles: micro-, nano-, and atto-engineering
AM Spasic, JP Hsu
CRC Press, 2005
Effects of image resolution on sandstone porosity and permeability as obtained from X-ray microscopy
KM Guan, M Nazarova, B Guo, H Tchelepi, AR Kovscek, P Creux
Transport in Porous Media 127, 233-245, 2019
Micro-continuum framework for pore-scale multiphase fluid transport in shale formations
C Soulaine, P Creux, HA Tchelepi
Transport in porous media 127, 85-112, 2019
Discussion on the structural features of asphaltene molecules
Z Liao, J Zhao, P Creux, C Yang
Energy & Fuels 23 (12), 6272-6274, 2009
Some biogenic-related compounds occluded inside asphaltene aggregates
C Yang, Z Liao, L Zhang, P Creux
Energy & Fuels 23 (2), 820-827, 2009
Different adsorption/occlusion properties of asphaltenes associated with their secondary evolution processes in oil reservoirs
Z Liao, A Geng, A Graciaa, P Creux, A Chrostowska, Y Zhang
Energy & fuels 20 (3), 1131-1136, 2006
A new low-interference characterization method for hydrocarbons occluded inside asphaltene structures
Z Liao, A Graciaa, A Geng, A Chrostowska, P Creux
Applied geochemistry 21 (5), 833-838, 2006
Diffusivity in heavy oils
P Creux, V Meyer, A Graciaa, PR Cordelier, F Franco, F Montel
SPE International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium, SPE-97798-MS, 2005
Comparative studies on compounds occluded inside asphaltenes hierarchically released by increasing amounts of H2O2/CH3COOH
J Zhao, Z Liao, L Zhang, P Creux, C Yang, A Chrostowska, H Zhang, ...
Applied Geochemistry 25 (9), 1330-1338, 2010
A new mini-triaxial cell for combined high-pressure and high-temperature in situ synchrotron X-ray microtomography experiments up to 400 C and 24 MPa
M Voltolini, H Barnard, P Creux, J Ajo-Franklin
Journal of synchrotron radiation 26 (1), 238-243, 2019
Experimental studies on the adsorption/occlusion phenomena inside the macromolecular structures of asphaltenes
J Zhao, Z Liao, A Chrostowska, Q Liu, L Zhang, A Graciaa, P Creux
Energy & fuels 26 (3), 1746-1755, 2012
Measurement of the zeta potential of oil drops with the spinning tube zetameter
A Graciaa, P Creux, C Dicharry, J Lachaise
Journal of dispersion science and technology 23 (1-3), 301-307, 2002
Reconstructing porous media using generative flow networks
KM Guan, TI Anderson, P Creux, AR Kovscek
Computers & Geosciences 156, 104905, 2021
ζ Potential at an Air− Water Surface Related to the Critical Micelle Concentration of Aqueous Mixed Surfactant Systems
A Graciaa, P Creux, J Lachaise, JL Salager
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 39 (8), 2677-2681, 2000
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