Thomas Beckley
Thomas Beckley
在 unb.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Why we don't" walk the talk": Understanding the environmental values/behaviour gap in Canada
EH Kennedy, TM Beckley, BL McFarlane, S Nadeau
Human ecology review, 151-160, 2009
A Picture and 1000 Words: Using Resident-Employed Photography to Understand Attachment to High Amenity Places
R Stedman, T Beckley, S Wallace, M Ambard
Journal of Leisure Research 36 (4), 580-606, 2004
Rural‐urban differences in environmental concern in Canada
E Huddart‐Kennedy, TM Beckley, BL McFarlane, S Nadeau
Rural sociology 74 (3), 309-329, 2009
Resource dependence and community well‐being in rural Canada
RC Stedman, JR Parkins, TM Beckley
Rural Sociology 69 (2), 213-234, 2004
Multiple capacities, multiple outcomes: Delving deeper into the meaning of community capacity
TM Beckley, D Martz, S Nadeau, E Wall, B Reimer
Journal of rural and community development 3 (3), 2008
Snapshots of what matters most: Using resident-employed photography to articulate attachment to place
TM Beckley, RC Stedman, SM Wallace, M Ambard
Society & Natural Resources 20 (10), 913-929, 2007
The relative importance of sociocultural and ecological factors in attachment to place
TM Beckley
United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service General Technical …, 2003
Moving toward consensus-based forest management: A comparison of industrial, co-managed, community and small private forests in Canada
TM Beckley
The forestry chronicle 74 (5), 736-744, 1998
The nestedness of forest dependence: a conceptual framework and empirical exploration
TM Beckley
Society & Natural Resources 11 (2), 101-120, 1998
Community stability and the relationship between economic and social well‐being in forest‐dependent communities
TM Beckley
Taylor & Francis Group 8 (3), 261-266, 1995
In search of forest resource values of indigenous peoples: Are nonmarket valuation techniques applicable?
W Adamowicz, T Beckley, DH MacDonald, L Just, M Luckert, E Murray, ...
Society & Natural Resources 11 (1), 51-66, 1998
Indicators of forest-dependent community sustainability: The evolution of research
T Beckley, J Parkins, R Stedman
The Forestry Chronicle 78 (5), 626-636, 2002
Public participation in sustainable forest management: Participation du public à l'aménagement durable des forêts: manuel de référence
TM Beckley
SFMN: Sustainable Forest Management Network, 2006
Critical analysis of the relationship between local ownership and community resiliency
J Varghese, NT Krogman, TM Beckley, S Nadeau
Rural sociology 71 (3), 505-527, 2006
A national portrait of community forestry on public land in Canada
S Teitelbaum, T Beckley, S Nadeau
The Forestry Chronicle 82 (3), 416-428, 2006
Photo-based methods for understanding place meanings as foundations of attachment
RC Stedman, BL Amsden, TM Beckley, KG Tidball
Place attachment: Advances in theory, methods and applications, 112-124, 2014
Forest dependence and community well-being in rural Canada: variation by forest sector and region
RC Stedman, JR Parkins, TM Beckley
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (1), 215-220, 2005
Public involvement in sustainable boreal forest management
TB FH Chambers
Towards Sustainable Management of the Boreal Forest, 113-154, 2003
Forest sector dependence and community well‐being: A structural equation model for new Brunswick and British Columbia
JR Parkins, RC Stedman, TM Beckley
Rural sociology 68 (4), 554-572, 2003
Capturing old-growth values for use in forest decision-making
RJ Owen, PN Duinker, TM Beckley
Environmental management 43, 237-248, 2009
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