David Martin
Positivist and non-positivist paradigm in social science research: Conflicting paradigms or perfect partners
AA Aliyu, MU Bello, R Kasim, D Martin
J. Mgmt. & Sustainability 4, 79, 2014
A review of case studies publishing in Management Decision 2003‐2004: Guides and criteria for achieving quality in qualitative research
G Cepeda, D Martin
Management Decision 43 (6), 851-876, 2005
Understanding factors that influence house purchase intention among consumers in Kota Kinabalu: an application of buyer behavior model theory
J Chia, A Harun, AWM Kassim, D Martin, N Kepal
Journal of Technology Management and Business 3 (2), 2016
What makes a non-Muslim purchase halal food in a Muslim country? An application of theory of planned behaviour
D Damit, A Harun, D Martin, B Othman, H Ahmad
Management Science Letters 9 (12), 2029-2038, 2019
Factors affecting housing development in Makama Jahun area of Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria
AA Aliyu, R Kasim, D Martin
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 2 (4), 263, 2011
Estimating potential saving with energy consumption behaviour model in higher education institutions
MH Ishak, I Sipan, M Sapri, AHM Iman, D Martin
Sustainable Environment Research 26 (6), 268-273, 2016
Key challenges and issues consumer face in consuming halal product
D Damit, A Harun, D Martin
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 7 …, 2017
Review on Malaysian rail transit operation and management system: issues and solution in integration
MIM Masirin, AM Salin, A Zainorabidin, D Martin, N Samsuddin
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 226 (1), 012029, 2017
Barbecue grill and cart assembly
T Fry, D Martin, AJ Hardingham, J Dixon, SR May-Russell
US Patent App. 29/146,281, 2002
Barbecue grill and cart assembly
J Carden, T Fry, D Martin, AJ Hardingham, J Dixon, S May-Russell
US Patent App. 09/924,643, 2003
Implication of intangible location attributes on residential segregation in Jos, Nigeria
AA Aliyu, RB Kasim, D Martin, MLM Diah, HM Ali
Journal of Sustainable Development 5 (11), 65, 2012
The housing environment preference among housing consumers in Johor Bahru
NS Said, DMD Juanil
2nd International Conference on Technology Management, Business and …, 2013
An overview of property tax collection as a tool for a sustainable local government reform in Malaysia
MA Umar, R Kasim, DJ Martin
Proceedings International Conference of Technology Management, Business and …, 2012
The current practices of the Malaysian formal low cost housing provision system
MY Ubale, D Martin, T Seow
Proceedings International Conference of Technology Management, Business and …, 2012
Municipal Awareness as an integral part for enhancing citizen satisfaction of Malaysian Municipal Councils, Batu Pahat
MU Bello, D Martin, D Juanil, R Kasim
Traektoriâ Nauki= Path of Science 3 (7), 2.1-2.10, 2017
A review of residential segregation and its consequences in Nigeria
MS Muhammad, R Kasim, D Martin
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6 (2), 376-384, 2015
Property tax management model of local authorities in Malaysia
S Pawi, DM Juanil, WZW Yusoff
Chinese Business Review 10 (1), 1-12, 2011
Comparative study between Malaysian and Nigerian formal low cost housing policy issues
MY Ubale
Universiti Tun Hussein Malaysia, 2013
Entrepreneurial idea development to business start-up: Teaching methodological approach
M Gafar, R Kasim, D Martin
Journal of Research & Method in Education 1 (4), 46-55, 2013
Lawn mower tire
DJ Martin
US Patent App. 29/213,359, 2006
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