Nuria Gomez
Calculating tourism's carbon footprint: measuring the impact of investments
MÁ Cadarso, N Gomez, LA López, MÁ Tobarra
Journal of cleaner production 111, 529-537, 2016
CO2 emissions of international freight transport and offshoring: Measurement and allocation
MÁ Cadarso, LA López, N Gómez, MÁ Tobarra
Ecological Economics 69 (8), 1682-1694, 2010
International trade and shared environmental responsibility by sector. An application to the Spanish economy
MÁ Cadarso, LA López, N Gómez, MÁ Tobarra
Ecological Economics 83, 221-235, 2012
The EU enlargement and the impact of outsourcing on industrial employment in Spain, 1993–2003
MÁ Cadarso, N Gómez, LA López, MÁ Tobarra
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 19 (1), 95-108, 2008
Carbon footprint of a university in a multiregional model: the case of the University of Castilla-La Mancha
N Gómez, MÁ Cadarso, F Monsalve
Journal of Cleaner Production 138, 119-130, 2016
Food miles, carbon footprint and global value chains for Spanish agriculture: assessing the impact of a carbon border tax
LA Lopez, MA Cadarso, N Gómez, MA Tobarra
Journal of Cleaner Production 103, 423-436, 2015
Triple bottom line analysis of the Spanish solar photovoltaic sector: A footprint assessment
JE Zafrilla, G Arce, MÁ Cadarso, C Córcoles, N Gómez, LA López, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 114, 109311, 2019
Modelling demand for crude oil products in Spain
DJ Pedregal, O Dejuán, N Gómez, MA Tobarra
Energy Policy 37 (11), 4417-4427, 2009
Is seasonal households’ consumption good for the nexus carbon/water footprint? The Spanish fruits and vegetables case
MA Tobarra, LA López, MA Cadarso, N Gómez, I Cazcarro
Environmental science & technology 52 (21), 12066-12077, 2018
Employment opportunities in Spain: gender differences by education and ICT usage
N Gómez, MA Tobarra, LA López
Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies 14 (3), 105-130, 2014
Vertical specialisation in EU manufacturing and services sectors
MA Cadarso-Vecina, N Gómez-Sanz, LA López-Santiago, ...
16th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Istanbul, July, 2-6, 2007
The input–output method for calculating the carbon footprint of tourism: An application to the Spanish tourism industry
MÁ Cadarso, MÁ Tobarra, Á García-Alaminos, M Ortiz, N Gómez, J Zafrilla
Advances of Footprint Family for Sustainable Energy and Industrial Systems …, 2022
Spanish industrial employment, vertical specialisation and outsourcing to the EU candidates
MA Cadarso, N Gómez, LA López, MA Tobarra
The Future Competitiveness of the EU and its Eastern Neighbours, Pan …, 2007
Eating local and in-season fruits and vegetables: Carbon-water-employment trade-offs and synergies
LA López, MA Tobarra, MÁ Cadarso, N Gómez, I Cazcarro
Ecological Economics 192, 107270, 2022
An energy AGE model. Forecasting energy demand in Spain
Ó Dejuán, N Gómez, D Pedregal, MA Tobarra, J Zafrilla
Input Output Meeting on Managing the Environment, Sevilla, Spain, 9-11, 2008
International trade and shared environmental responsibility by activity sector. Application to the Spanish economy
MA Cadarso, LA López, N Gómez, MA Tobarra, JE Zafrilla
III Jornadas IO de Albacete, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha. Cited on, 6, 2009
Offshoring, Services Outsourcing and Productivity in Spanish Manufactures
AA Cadarso, N Gomez, LA Lopez, MA Tobara
Towards environmental labelling: offshoring and sustainable development
M Cadarso, N Gómez, L López, M Tobarra
International Input-Ouptut Meeting on Managing the Environment, 9-11, 2008
Pautas de deslocalización de la industria española en el entorno europeo (1995-2000) La competencia de los paises de bajo salarios
NG Sanz, LAL Santiago, MÁT Gómez
Boletín económico de ICE, 2006
Offshoring impact on the growth of freight international transportation and CO2 emissions
MÁ Cadarso, LA López, N Gómez, MÁ Tobarra
sd, sl, 2002
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