Hipólito Aguilar-Sierra
Hipólito Aguilar-Sierra
Universidad La Salle México
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Design and control of hybrid actuation lower limb exoskeleton
H Aguilar-Sierra, W Yu, S Salazar, R Lopez
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 7 (6), 1687814015590988, 2015
Modelado y Control de un Exoesqueleto para la Rehabilitación de Extremidad Inferior con dos grados de libertad
R López, H Aguilar, S Salazar, R Lozano, JA Torres
Revista iberoamericana de automática e informática industrial 11 (3), 304-314, 2014
Fault estimation for a quad-rotor MAV using a polynomial observer
H Aguilar-Sierra, G Flores, S Salazar, R Lozano
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 73, 455-468, 2014
A lower limb exoskeleton with hybrid actuation
H Aguilar-Sierra, R Lopez, W Yu, S Salazar, R Lozano
5th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2014
A new solution for machining with RA-PKMs: Modelling, control and experiments
JM Escorcia-Hernández, A Chemori, H Aguilar-Sierra, JA Monroy-Anieva
Mechanism and Machine Theory 150, 103864, 2020
Adaptive Control for Passive Kinesiotherapy ELLTIO
RL Ricardo López, Hipólito Aguilar, Sergio Salazar
Journal of Bionic Engineering 11 (4), 581-588, 2014
A new adaptive rise feedforward approach based on associative memory neural networks for the control of pkms
JM Escorcia-Hernández, H Aguilar-Sierra, O Aguilar-Mejia, A Chemori, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 100, 827-847, 2020
An intelligent compensation through B-spline neural network for a delta parallel robot
JM Escorcia-Hernández, H Aguilar-Sierra, O Aguilar-Mejía, A Chemori, ...
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2019
Adaptive RISE feedback control for robotized machining with PKMs: Design and real-time experiments
JM Escorcia-Hernández, A Chemori, H Aguilar-Sierra
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31 (1), 39-54, 2022
Model and Control of the ELLTIO with two degrees of freedom
R Lopez, H Aguilar-Sierra, S Salazar, R Lozano
2013 17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2013
Perfil epidemiológico del recién nacido con sepsis, atendido en el servicio de neonatología del Hospital Escuela comprendido en el periodo de julio 2004 a septiembre 2006
H Aguilar, J Meléndez
Revista Médica de los Post Grados de Medicina UNAH 10 (1), 52, 2007
Uso e impacto de los plaguicidas en tres países centroamericanos
L Castillo, C Wesseling, H Aguilar, C Castillo, P De Vos
Estudios sociales centroamericanos 49 (1), 1989
Comparison of control techniques in a weight lifting exoskeleton
I Rosales-Díaz, JR López-Gutiérrez, AEZ Suárez, SR Salazar, ...
Journal of Bionic Engineering 16, 663-673, 2019
Adaptive Control in Passive rehabilitation routines using ELLTIO
R López-Gutiérrez, H Aguilar-Sierra, S Salazar, R Lozano
Revista mexicana de ingeniería biomédica 38 (2), 458-478, 2017
Design and modelling of a backbone pneumatic exoskeleton
I Rosales, R Lopez, H Aguilar, AO Cordero, S Salazar, R Lozano
2014 18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2014
Fault estimation and control for a quad-rotor MAV using a polynomial observer. Part I: Fault detection
GR Flores-Colunga, H Aguilar-Sierra, R Lozano, S Salazar
ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference: Advances in Robotics, Vol. 1 …, 2014
An adaptive robust nonlinear observer for velocity and disturbance estimation for the translational motion of a quadrotor aircraft
AE Rodriguez-Mata, G Flores, H Aguilar-Sierra, JG Rangel-Peraza, ...
2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 731-737, 2018
Control de un Exoesqueleto para Asistir en la Bipedestación y la Marcha de una Persona
HA Sierra
Tesis para obtener el grado de Doctor en Ciencias. Departamento de Control …, 2016
Pneumatic assistant of one degree of freedom for lifting
I Rosales, R Lopez, H Aguilar, Y Rosales, AO Cordero, S Salazar, ...
2015 19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2015
Fault estimation using a polynomial observer: a real-time application
JL Mata-Machuca, R Martínez-Guerra, H Aguilar-Sierra
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (20), 552-557, 2012
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