Marie-Lotte Beveren
Marie-Lotte Beveren
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How do I feel right now? Emotional awareness, emotion regulation, and depressive symptoms in youth
ML Van Beveren, L Goossens, B Volkaert, C Grassmann, L Wante, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 28, 389-398, 2019
Stress and eating behavior: A daily diary study in youngsters
T Debeuf, S Verbeken, ML Van Beveren, N Michels, C Braet
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2657, 2018
The effects of emotion regulation strategies on positive and negative affect in early adolescents
L Wante, ML Van Beveren, L Theuwis, C Braet
Cognition and emotion 32 (5), 988-1002, 2018
Don't worry, be happy: The role of positive emotionality and adaptive emotion regulation strategies for youth depressive symptoms
ML Van Beveren, K Harding, W Beyers, C Braet
British Journal of Clinical Psychology 57 (1), 18-41, 2018
The mediating effect of adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies on executive functioning impairment and depressive symptoms among adolescents
L Wante, A Mezulis, ML Van Beveren, C Braet
Child Neuropsychology 23 (8), 935-953, 2017
Training adaptive emotion regulation skills in early adolescents: The effects of distraction, acceptance, cognitive reappraisal, and problem solving
B Volkaert, L Wante, ML Van Beveren, L Vervoort, C Braet
Cognitive Therapy and Research 44, 678-696, 2020
Early maladaptive schemas as moderators of the association between bullying victimization and depressive symptoms in adolescents
J Alba, E Calvete, L Wante, ML Van Beveren, C Braet
Cognitive Therapy and Research 42, 24-35, 2018
Associations between temperament, emotion regulation, and depression in youth: The role of positive temperament
ML Van Beveren, K McIntosh, E Vandevivere, L Wante, L Vandeweghe, ...
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25, 1954-1968, 2016
Joint contributions of negative emotionality, positive emotionality, and effortful control on depressive symptoms in youth
ML Van Beveren, A Mezulis, L Wante, C Braet
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 48 (1), 131-142, 2019
Is the cognitive triad a clear marker of depressive symptoms in youngsters?
C Braet, L Wante, ML Van Beveren, L Theuwis
European child & adolescent psychiatry 24, 1261-1268, 2015
Because you had a bad day: General and daily relations between reactive temperament, emotion regulation, and depressive symptoms in youth
ML Van Beveren, S Kuppens, B Hankin, C Braet
PloS one 14 (10), e0224126, 2019
Parent-reported BIS/BAS scales for children: Factor structure and measurement invariance across age and gender
L Vervoort, E De Caluwé, L Vandeweghe, A De Decker, L Wante, ...
Assessment 26 (7), 1282-1295, 2019
Emotion dysregulation, temperamental vulnerability, and parental depression in adolescents: Correspondence between physiological and informant-report measures
ML Van Beveren, SC Mueller, C Braet
Development and psychopathology 31 (3), 1023-1035, 2019
Just the way you are. Understanding emotion regulation strategies in youth from temperamental differences
ML Van Beveren, B De Clercq, C Braet
Journal of Research in Personality 88, 103989, 2020
Do changes in affect moderate the association between attachment anxiety and body dissatisfaction in children? An experimental study by means of the Trier Social Stress Test
L Goossens, K Van Durme, ML Van Beveren, L Claes
Eating behaviors 26, 83-88, 2017
Are emotion regulation strategies associated with visual attentional breadth for emotional information in youth?
E Boelens, ML Van Beveren, R De Raedt, S Verbeken, C Braet
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 637436, 2021
Het meten van emotieregulatie bij kinderen en jongeren
ML Van Beveren, H Goemaere, L Vervoort, C Braet
Emotieregulatie bij kinderen en adolescenten in de praktijk: Leidraad voor …, 2024
The relationship between perceived stress and depressive symptoms in adolescents during high stress: The moderating role of emotion regulation
J Braet, M Giletta, L Wante, ML Van Beveren, S Verbeken, L Goossens, ...
Journal of Adolescence 94 (8), 1179-1187, 2022
FEEL-KJ ouder: vragenlijst over emotieregulatie bij kinderen en jongeren
C Braet, ML Van Beveren, E Cracco, L Theuwis, A Grob, C Smolenski
Hogrefe, 2020
Internaliserende en externaliserende symptomen bij adolescenten: De rol van gehechtheid en emotieregulatie
C Baisier, ML Van Beveren, L Goossens, C Braet
Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, Kinderpsychiatrie en Klinische …, 2017
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