Johann Nils Foege
Johann Nils Foege
在 wa.uni-hannover.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Reconceptualizing the paradox of openness: How solvers navigate sharing-protecting tensions in crowdsourcing
JN Foege, GD Lauritzen, F Tietze, TO Salge
Research Policy 48 (6), 1323-1339, 2019
The Effect of Family Involvement on Innovation Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Board Social Capital
D Bendig, JN Foege, S Endriß, M Brettel
Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2020
Flexible work practices and organizational attractiveness in Germany: The mediating role of anticipated organizational support
C Kröll, S Nüesch, JN Foege
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 32 (3), 543-572, 2021
Cash for contingencies: How the organizational task environment shapes the cash-performance relationship
C Jung, JN Foege, S Nüesch
Long Range Planning 53 (3), 101885, 2020
Don’t get caught on the wrong foot: a resource-based perspective on imitation threats in innovation partnerships
JN Foege, EP Piening, TO Salge
International Journal of Innovation Management 21 (03), 1750023, 2017
The S-shaped relationship between open innovation and financial performance: A longitudinal perspective using a novel text-based measure
T Schäper, C Jung, JN Foege, MLAM Bogers, S Fainshmidt, S Nüesch
Research Policy 52 (6), 104764, 2023
Determinants of idea sharing in crowdsourcing: evidence from the automotive industry
T Schäper, JN Foege, S Schäfer, S Nüesch
R&D Management, 1-13, 2020
Attention to Digital Innovation: Exploring the Impact of a Chief Information Officer in the Top Management Team
D Bendig, R Wagner, EP Piening, JN Foege
MIS Quarterly, 2023
The (In) Effectiveness of Incentives: A Field Experiment on the Adoption of Personal Electronic Health Records
M Gabel, JN Foege, S Nüesch
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2019
Organizational attractiveness after identity threats of crises: how potential employees anticipate social identity
G Onken-Menke, GD Lauritzen, S Nüesch, JN Foege
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 31 (4), 622-640, 2022
Toward a shared leadership environment: insights into retail salespeople’s work environment
AM van der Berg, JN Foege, S Nüesch
Journal of Personal selling & sales ManageMent 42 (2), 121-138, 2022
Forced distribution rating systems and team collaboration
L Loberg, S Nüesch, JN Foege
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 188, 18-35, 2021
Giving voice to all patients: On patients at the margins and their intention and perceived ability to complain
TO Salge, D Antons, P Cichy, JN Foege, J Hannen, ASJ Huetten
Health Care Management Review 43 (2), 126-137, 2018
Exploring the Dark Side of Innovation Collaboration: A Resource-Based Perspective
TO Salge, EP Piening, JN Foege
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2013 (1), 12061, 2013
Toolkits for innovation: how digital technologies empower users in new product development
T Schäper, JN Foege, S Nüesch
R&D Management 54 (1), 95-117, 2024
System design choice in the sharing economy: How different institutional logics drive consumer perception and consumers’ intention to use sharing systems
V Clemens, CA Sabel, JN Foege, S Nüesch
Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research 74 (2), 201-234, 2022
Not Only A Matter of Dynamic Managerial Capabilities
C Jung, JN Foege, S Nüesch
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2018 (1), 10094, 2018
What is mine is yours, or is it? exploring solvers’ value appropriation strategies in crowdsourcing contests
JN Foege, G Dragsdahl Lauritzen, F Tietze, TO Salge
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016
Business Model Innovation and Financial Performance: An Institutional Perspective
E Esau, C Jung, T Schaeper, E Piening, JN Foege
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2021
Privacy Awareness under Scrutiny: Field Experimental Evidence on Health Data Protection in Underserved Communities
M Gabel, JN Foege, S Nüesch
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2020
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