Mirza Irawan
Mirza Irawan
Magister Konseling
在 unimed.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Measuring psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of the NoMoPhobia Questionnaire (NMPQ): Insight from Rasch measurement tool
IB Rangka, WE Prasetyaningtyas, I Ifdil, Z Ardi, K Suranata, E Winingsih, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1114, 012127, 2018
Hubungan resiliensi dengan stres akademik selama pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas siswa kelas xi ips sma negeri 12 medan tahun ajaran 2021/2022 [the relationship between …
AC Jaya, M Irawan
DoubleClick: Indonesian Counseling and Psychology 2 (2), 59-72, 2022
Program Penyiapan Siswa Menghadapi Kesulitan Belajar: Diagnosis dan Remediasi Kesulitan Penguasaan Materi Pembelajaran (KPMP) pada Era dan Pasca Pendemi Covid 19
RL Ginting, M Irawan, E Nainggolan, AP Sirait
ABDIMAS EKODIKSOSIORA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Ekonomi …, 2022
Succeed or failed: Diagnostic of student’s ability to passed basic learning material on liquid pressure, respiratory system and its application based on integrated sciences …
K Kasmanah, IB Rangka, F Fijriani, E Fitriyanti, S Utami, H Stevani, B Ruth, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1157 (2), 022019, 2019
Pengaruh Regulasi Emosi Terhadap Kejenuhan Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Pembelajaran Online
NA Pristanti, M Irawan, M Miswanto
Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling: Theory and Application 11 …, 2022
Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Interaksi Sosial Mahasiswa Semester III Jurusan PPB/BK FIP UNIMUD Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017
M Irawan
Proceeding Seminar Dan Lokakarya Nasional Bimbingan Dan Konseling 2017, 362-371, 2017
Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Emosional dengan Perkembangan Sosial Siswa Kelas XI IA MAN 2 Model Medan Helvetia
R Sitorus, M Irawan
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal 4 (2), 1249-1257, 2023
Hubungan antara Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya dengan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII MTs Negeri 2 Medan
M Irawan, M Harahap
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal 4 (2), 1266-1276, 2023
Design and Feasibility Test of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) Based Electronic Modules in the Hybrid Learning Era
M Miswanto, Z Lubis, N Arjani, M Irawan
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Science Education in The …, 2023
Stakeholder Satisfaction of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program Medan State University
M Irawan, I Gultom
ICONSEIR 2021: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science …, 2022
Developing module of academic guidance and counseling practice subject for guidance and counseling student academic year 2019/2020
M Irawan, NB Nasution, NA Pristanti, S Mawaddah
Proceeding International Conference of Science Education in Industrial …, 2019
The Portrait of The Effectiveness of KKNI-Based Curriculum Implementation as An Internalization Efforts in the 21st Century Skills in Medan State University
MI Faisal, S Susanti, GN Eza, SM Lova
ACEIVE 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Engineering and …, 2019
œKesiapan Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling Menjalani Penilaian Kinerja Guru (Studi di SMA dan SMKN Kabupaten Batu Bara Provinsi Sumatera Utara)
M Irawan
Tesis tidak diterbitkan. Padang: Program S2 Bimbingan dan Konseling FIP UNP, 2013
Pengembangan Model Bimbingan Karir Siswa Kelas 1 Sma Kota Madya Medan Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
E Hutasuhut, M Irawan, UN Putri
School Education JOURNAL PGSD FIP UNIMED 10 (4), 288-296, 0
Program Penyiapan Siswa Menghadapi Ujian Nasional: Diagnosis Dan Remediasi Kesulitan Penguasaan Materi Ujian (Kpmu)
M Irawan, RLG Asiah, RL Ginting
Developing “Need Assessment Instrumentation” Application at the Laboratory of Educational Psychology and Guidance Counseling
E Violina, N Nasution, M Irawan
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Educational Science …, 2024
Arrangement of Micro Counseling Guidelines in Guidance and Counseling Laboratory Faculty of Education Medan State University
M Irawan, M Miswanto, E Violina
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Innovation in Education …, 2024
Development of social innovation in digital-based services for children with special needs
RL Ginting, M Irawan, SI Devi, B Sirait, A Munir, E Nainggolan
Student Assessment of the E-Module for the Development of Guidance and Counseling Programs Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills in the Hybrid Learning Era
Z Lubis, N Arjani, M Irawan
Jurnal Amal Pendidikan 4 (3), 182-189, 2023
Pendidikan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus
RL Ginting, M Irawan, I Matondang, EI Violina, A Asiah
Eureka Media Aksara, 2023
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