Diversity-an end in itself? Developing a multi-measure methodology of television programme variety studies H Hellman European Journal of Communication 16 (2), 181-208, 2001 | 148 | 2001 |
From aesthetes to reporters: The paradigm shift in arts journalism in Finland H Hellman, M Jaakkola Journalism 13 (6), 783-801, 2012 | 119 | 2012 |
From companions to competitors: The changing broadcasting markets and television programming in Finland H Hellman Tampere University Press, 1999 | 99* | 1999 |
Competition and content in the US video market H Hellman, M Soramäki Journal of Media Economics 7 (1), 29-49, 1994 | 53 | 1994 |
Liquid modern journalism with a difference: The changing professional ethos of cultural journalism M Jaakkola, H Hellman, K Koljonen, J Väliverronen Journalism Practice 9 (6), 811-828, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
Public service television and the tendency towards convergence: trends in prime-time programme structure in Finland, 1970-92 H Hellman, T Sauri Media, culture & society 16 (1), 47-69, 1994 | 48 | 1994 |
Does market-entry regulation matter? Competition in television broadcasting and programme diversity in Finland, 1993–2002 M Aslama, H Hellman, T Sauri Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands) 66 (2), 113-132, 2004 | 47 | 2004 |
Kulttuuritoimitus uutisopissa: Kulttuurijournalismin muutos Helsingin Sanomissa 1978–2008 H Hellman, M Jaakkola Media & viestintä 32 (4-5), 2009 | 40 | 2009 |
Uustelevision aika?: Yleisradiotoiminnan edellytykset television rakennemuutoksessa H Hellman | 40 | 1988 |
Legitimations of television programme policies: Patterns of argumentation and discursive convergencies in a multichannel age H Hellman Rethinking the media audience: The new agenda, 105-129, 1999 | 38 | 1999 |
Economic concentration in the videocassette industry: A cultural comparison H Hellman, M Soramaki Journal of Communication 35 (3), 122-134, 1985 | 36 | 1985 |
A toy for the boys only? Reconsidering the gender effects of video technology H Hellman European journal of communication 11 (1), 5-32, 1996 | 28 | 1996 |
Media-ja viestintäpolitiikan nykytila ja mittaaminen M Ala-Fossi, A Álen-Savikko, M Grönlund, P Haara, H Hellman, ... Liikenne-ja viestintäministeriö, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Liberal turn in media policy: the case of Finland's digital television H Hellman International Journal of Digital Television 1 (2), 193-213, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
The new state of competition in the record industry H Hellman Sociologia 20 (4), 355-67, 1983 | 21 | 1983 |
Digitalizing diversity: Public service strategies and television program supply in Finland in 2002 M Aslama, H Hellman, T Sauri International Journal on Media Management 6 (3-4), 152-161, 2004 | 18 | 2004 |
Cultural Mediators Seduced by Mad Men: How Cultural Journalists Legitimized a Quality TV Series in the Nordic Region NN Kristensen, H Hellman, K Riegert Television & New Media 20 (3), 257-274, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Mediayhtiönä yhteiskunnassa H Hellman, H Nieminen Mediajohtaminen: Näkökulmia uudistuvaan media-alaan, 33-57, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
Koko illan ilo? Kolmoskanava ja television kaupallistuminen Suomessa H Hellman Finnish Literature Society/SKS, 2012 | 13 | 2012 |
What is cultural news good for H Hellman, LO Larsen, K Riegert, A Widholm, S Nygaard CULTURAL, 111, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |