Brian Medeiros
Climatology of the planetary boundary layer over the continental United States and Europe
DJ Seidel, Y Zhang, A Beljaars, JC Golaz, AR Jacobson, B Medeiros
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D17), 2012
Global climate impacts of fixing the Southern Ocean shortwave radiation bias in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
JE Kay, C Wall, V Yettella, B Medeiros, C Hannay, P Caldwell, C Bitz
Journal of Climate 29 (12), 4617-4636, 2016
Exposing global cloud biases in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) using satellite observations and their corresponding instrument simulators
JE Kay, BR Hillman, SA Klein, Y Zhang, B Medeiros, R Pincus, ...
Journal of Climate 25 (15), 5190-5207, 2012
The cloud feedback model intercomparison project (CFMIP) contribution to CMIP6
MJ Webb, T Andrews, A Bodas-Salcedo, S Bony, CS Bretherton, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (1), 359-384, 2017
Thermodynamic control of anvil cloud amount
S Bony, B Stevens, D Coppin, T Becker, KA Reed, A Voigt, B Medeiros
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (32), 8927-8932, 2016
Aquaplanets, climate sensitivity, and low clouds
B Medeiros, B Stevens, IM Held, M Zhao, DL Williamson, JG Olson, ...
Journal of Climate 21 (19), 4974-4991, 2008
The Transpose-AMIP II experiment and its application to the understanding of Southern Ocean cloud biases in climate models
KD Williams, A Bodas-Salcedo, M Déqué, S Fermepin, B Medeiros, ...
Journal of Climate 26 (10), 3258-3274, 2013
Mixed-phase clouds cause climate model biases in Arctic wintertime temperature inversions
F Pithan, B Medeiros, T Mauritsen
Climate dynamics 43, 289-303, 2014
What controls the mean depth of the PBL?
B Medeiros, A Hall, B Stevens
Journal of climate 18 (16), 3157-3172, 2005
Challenges and prospects for reducing coupled climate model SST biases in the eastern tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans: The US CLIVAR Eastern Tropical Oceans Synthesis …
P Zuidema, P Chang, B Medeiros, BP Kirtman, R Mechoso, EK Schneider, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (12), 2305-2328, 2016
Revealing differences in GCM representations of low clouds
B Medeiros, B Stevens
Climate dynamics 36, 385-399, 2011
NCAR release of CAM‐SE in CESM2. 0: A reformulation of the spectral element dynamical core in dry‐mass vertical coordinates with comprehensive treatment of condensates and energy
PH Lauritzen, RD Nair, AR Herrington, P Callaghan, S Goldhaber, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10 (7), 1537-1570, 2018
On the correspondence between mean forecast errors and climate errors in CMIP5 models
HY Ma, S Xie, SA Klein, KD Williams, JS Boyle, S Bony, H Douville, ...
Journal of Climate 27 (4), 1781-1798, 2014
Clouds and convective self‐aggregation in a multimodel ensemble of radiative‐convective equilibrium simulations
AA Wing, CL Stauffer, T Becker, KA Reed, MS Ahn, NP Arnold, S Bony, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12 (9), e2020MS002138, 2020
Using aquaplanets to understand the robust responses of comprehensive climate models to forcing
B Medeiros, B Stevens, S Bony
Climate Dynamics 44, 1957-1977, 2015
An evaluation of the large‐scale atmospheric circulation and its variability in CESM2 and other CMIP models
IR Simpson, J Bacmeister, RB Neale, C Hannay, A Gettelman, RR Garcia, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125 (13), e2020JD032835, 2020
Model hierarchies for understanding atmospheric circulation
P Maher, EP Gerber, B Medeiros, TM Merlis, S Sherwood, A Sheshadri, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 57 (2), 250-280, 2019
A characterization of the present-day Arctic atmosphere in CCSM4
G De Boer, W Chapman, JE Kay, B Medeiros, MD Shupe, S Vavrus, ...
Journal of Climate 25 (8), 2676-2695, 2012
Arctic inversion strength in climate models
B Medeiros, C Deser, RA Tomas, JE Kay
Journal of Climate 24 (17), 4733-4740, 2011
Clouds, radiation, and atmospheric circulation in the present‐day climate and under climate change
A Voigt, N Albern, P Ceppi, K Grise, Y Li, B Medeiros
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 12 (2), e694, 2021
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