Nooshin Bahador
Nooshin Bahador
University Health Network
在 uhnresearch.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Modelling and detection of live tree‐related high impedance fault in distribution systems
N Bahador, F Namdari, HR Matinfar
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (3), 756-766, 2018
Tree-related high impedance fault location using phase shift measurement of high frequency magnetic field
N Bahador, F Namdari, HR Matinfar
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 100, 531-539, 2018
Deep learning–based multimodal data fusion: Case study in food intake episodes detection using wearable sensors
N Bahador, D Ferreira, S Tamminen, J Kortelainen
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (1), e21926, 2021
Demagnetization analysis of axial flux permanent magnet motor under three phase short circuit fault
N Bahador, A Darabi, H Hasanabadi
4th Annual International Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies …, 2013
Multimodal spatio-temporal-spectral fusion for deep learning applications in physiological time series processing: A case study in monitoring the depth of anesthesia
N Bahador, J Jokelainen, S Mustola, J Kortelainen
Information Fusion 73, 125-143, 2021
A framework for wide-area monitoring of tree-related high impedance faults in medium-voltage networks
N Bahador, HR Matinfar, F Namdari
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 13 (1), 1-10, 2018
A correlation-driven mapping for deep learning application in detecting artifacts within the EEG
N Bahador, K Erikson, J Laurila, J Koskenkari, T Ala-Kokko, J Kortelainen
Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (5), 056018, 2020
Modeling trees internal tissue for estimating electrical leakage current
F Namdari, N Bahador
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 23 (3), 1663-1674, 2016
Feature extraction of tree-related high impedance faults as a source of electromagnetic interference around medium voltage power lines' corridors
N Bahador, F Namdari, HR Matinfar
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 75, 13-26, 2017
Reconstruction of missing channel in electroencephalogram using spatiotemporal correlation-based averaging
N Bahador, J Jokelainen, S Mustola, J Kortelainen
Journal of Neural Engineering 18 (5), 056045, 2021
Deep learning-based classification of multichannel bio-signals using directedness transfer learning
N Bahador, J Kortelainen
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 72, 103300, 2022
Automatic detection of artifacts in EEG by combining deep learning and histogram contour processing
N Bahador, K Erikson, J Laurila, J Koskenkari, T Ala-Kokko, J Kortelainen
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
Uncovering the Origins of Instability in Dynamical Systems: How Can the Attention Mechanism Help?
N Bahador, M Lankarany
Dynamics 3 (2), 214-233, 2023
Morphology-preserving reconstruction of times series with missing data for enhancing deep learning-based classification
N Bahador, G Zhao, J Jokelainen, S Mustola, J Kortelainen
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 70, 103052, 2021
New hybrid non-dominated sorting differential evolutionary algorithm
M Bakhshipour, F Namdari, N Bahador
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 5 (2), 230-241, 2016
A robust bimodal index reflecting relative dynamics of EEG and HRV with application in monitoring depth of anesthesia
N Bahador, J Kortelainen
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29, 2503-2510, 2021
Feature Extraction of Residential and Industrial Consumption Patterns for Smart Grid Applications
N Bahador, M Kashani, MA Lasemi
34th International Power System Conference, 2019
Robust Removal of Slow Artifactual Dynamics Induced by Deep Brain Stimulation in Local Field Potential Recordings Using SVD-Based Adaptive Filtering
N Bahador, J Saha, MR Rezaei, S Utpal, A Ghahremani, R Chen, ...
Bioengineering 10 (6), 719, 2023
Uncovering the Origins of Instability in Dynamical Systems: How Attention Mechanism Can Help?
N Bahador, M Lankarany
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.09641, 2022
Quantitative EEG Analysis in Intensive Care Patients
J Kortelainen, N Bahador
Handbook of Neuroengineering, Springer, Singapore, 2022
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