Zak Foste
Zak Foste
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, University of Kansas
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Applying critical whiteness studies in college student development theory and research
Z Foste, L Irwin
Journal of College Student Development 61 (4), 439-455, 2020
Remaining Vigilant: Reflexive Considerations for White Researchers Studying Whiteness
Z Foste
Whiteness and Education 5 (2), 131-146, 2020
The Enlightenment Narrative: White Student Leaders’ Preoccupation with Racial Innocence.
Z Foste
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 13 (1), 33-43, 2020
Narrating whiteness: A qualitative exploration of how white college students construct and give meaning to their racial location
Z Foste, SR Jones
Journal of College Student Development 61 (2), 171-188, 2020
Reproducing whiteness: How white students justify the campus racial status quo
Z Foste
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 56 (3), 241-253, 2019
Service-learning and racial capitalism: On the commodification of people of color for white advancement
LN Irwin, Z Foste
The Review of Higher Education 44 (4), 419-446, 2021
" Oh, that's the white dorm": The racialization of university housing and the policing of racial boundaries
Z Foste
Journal of College Student Development 62 (2), 169-185, 2021
“Am I Doing This Right?” A Qualitative Exploration of How College Men Make Meaning of Gendered Expectations
Z Foste, TL Davis
Men and Masculinities 21 (5), 583-602, 2018
Exploring the Methodological Possibilities of Narrative Inquiry in Service-Learning: Reflections from a Recent Investigation
Z Foste
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 22 (4), 9-28, 2018
Trial and Error: Negotiating Manhood and Struggling to Discover True Self.
Z Foste, K Edwards, T Davis
Journal of College & University Student Housing, 2012
Disrupting the big lie: Higher education and whitelash in a post/colorblind era
MA Whitehead, Z Foste, A Duran, T Tevis, NL Cabrera
Education Sciences 11 (9), 486, 2021
“Didn't mean to mean it that way”: The reduction of microaggressions to interpersonal errors of communication among university resident assistants.
Z Foste, J Ng
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 15 (5), 548-559, 2022
From complacency to criticality: Envisioning antiracist leadership among white higher education administrators.
TL Tevis, Z Foste
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 16 (5), 554-562, 2023
Articulating diversity on campus: A critical discourse analysis of diversity statements at historically white institutions.
Z Foste, A Duran, Z Hooten
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 16 (5), 575-588, 2023
Diversity cupcakes and white institutional space: The emotional labor of resident assistants of color at historically white universities
Z Foste, S Johnson Jr
Journal of College Student Development 62 (4), 389-404, 2021
Narrative constructions of Whiteness among White undergraduates
Z Foste
The Ohio State University, 2017
Critical Whiteness Praxis in Higher Education: Considerations for the Pursuit of Racial Justice on Campus
Z Foste, T Tevis
Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2022
Isn’t that for sorority girls?: Narratives of college men in service-learning
Z Foste, SR Jones
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 55 (1), 65-77, 2018
On the Enormity of Whiteness in Higher Education
Z Foste, T Tevis
Critical Whiteness Praxis in Higher Education: Considerations for the …, 2022
Qualitative research on service learning and student civic outcomes
SR Jones, Z Foste
Research on student civic outcomes in service learning, 241-260, 2017
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