Thomas Wong
Thomas Wong
Ginger Knowledge Transfer & Consultancy Ltd.
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Effects of wearing N95 and surgical facemasks on heart rate, thermal stress and subjective sensations
Y Li, H Tokura, YP Guo, ASW Wong, T Wong, J Chung, E Newton
International archives of occupational and environmental health 78, 501-509, 2005
Lay knowledge of physical education teachers about the emergency management of dental trauma in Hong Kong
AWK Chan, TKS Wong, GSP Cheung
Dental Traumatology 17 (2), 77-85, 2001
Nursing competencies: personal characteristics contributing to effective nursing performance
Z Zhang, W Luk, D Arthur, T Wong
Journal of advanced nursing 33 (4), 467-474, 2001
Recent advances in noninvasive glucose monitoring
CF So, KS Choi, TKS Wong, JWY Chung
Medical devices: evidence and research, 45-52, 2012
Experiences of online learning: students’ perspective
JWH Sit, JWY Chung, MCM Chow, TKS Wong
Nurse education today 25 (2), 140-147, 2005
Effects of treatments for symptoms of painful diabetic neuropathy: systematic review
M Wong, JWY Chung, TKS Wong
Bmj 335 (7610), 87, 2007
Stroke care in the home: the impact of social support on the general health of family caregivers
JWH Sit, TKS Wong, M Clinton, LSW Li, Y Fong
Journal of clinical nursing 13 (7), 816-824, 2004
Caring in nursing: investigating the meaning of caring from the perspective of cancer patients in Beijing, China1
JE Liu, E Mok, T Wong
Journal of Clinical Nursing 15 (2), 188-196, 2006
Use of physical restraints in rehabilitation settings: staff knowledge, attitudes and predictors
LKP Suen, CKY Lai, TKS Wong, SKY Chow, SKF Kong, JYL Ho, TK Kong, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 55 (1), 20-28, 2006
The effect of visual stimuli on pain threshold and tolerance.
MMY Tse, JKF Ng, JWY Chung, TKS Wong
Journal of Clinical Nursing (Wiley-Blackwell) 11 (4), 2002
Application of a virtual reality prototype for pain relief of pediatric burn in Taiwan
EA Chan, JWY Chung, TKS Wong, ASY Lien, JY Yang
Journal of clinical nursing 16 (4), 786-793, 2007
In vivo protective performance of N95 respirator and surgical facemask
Y Li, T Wong, J Chung, YP Guo, JY Hu, YT Guan, L Yao, QW Song, ...
American journal of industrial medicine 49 (12), 1056-1065, 2006
Perceptions of supportive communication in Chinese patients with cancer: experiences and expectations
JE Liu, E Mok, T Wong
Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 (3), 262-270, 2005
Caring attributes, professional self concept and technological influences in a sample of Registered Nurses in eleven countries
D Arthur, S Pang, T Wong, MF Alexander, J Drury, H Eastwood, ...
International Journal of Nursing Studies 36 (5), 387-396, 1999
Drug therapy for the treatment of chronic nonspecific low back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis
J Chung, Y Zeng, T Wong
Pain physician 16 (6), E685, 2013
Predicting pressure ulcer risk with the modified Braden, Braden, and Norton scales in acute care hospitals in Mainland China
E Kwong, S Pang, T Wong, J Ho, X Shao-ling, T Li-jun
Applied Nursing Research 18 (2), 122-128, 2005
An experimental study on the use of manual pressure to reduce pain in intramuscular injections
JWY Chung, WMY Ng, TKS Wong
Journal of clinical nursing 11 (4), 457-461, 2002
A nurse‐led cardiac rehabilitation programme improves health behaviours and cardiac physiological risk parameters: evidence from Chengdu, China
X Jiang, JW Sit, TKS Wong
Journal of clinical nursing 16 (10), 1886-1897, 2007
Anthropometric evaluation for primary school furniture design
JWY Chung, TKS Wong
Ergonomics 50 (3), 323-334, 2007
Evaluation of the Morse Fall Scale: applicability in Chinese hospital populations
SKY Chow, CKY Lai, TKS Wong, LKP Suen, SKF Kong, CK Chan, ...
International Journal of Nursing Studies 44 (4), 556-565, 2007
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