Stefan Huber
Stefan Huber
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Consideration of transport logistics hubs in freight transport demand models
S Huber, J Klauenberg, C Thaller
European Transport Research Review 7, 1-14, 2015
The issues in modelling freight transport at the national level
G de Jong, L Tavasszy, J Bates, SE Grønland, S Huber, O Kleven, ...
Case Studies on Transport Policy 4 (1), 13-21, 2016
Facing the needs for clean bicycle data–a bicycle-specific approach of GPS data processing
S Lißner, S Huber
European transport research review 13, 1-14, 2021
GPS-data in bicycle planning:“Which cyclist leaves what kind of traces?” Results of a representative user study in Germany
S Lißner, S Huber, P Lindemann, J Anke, A Francke
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 7, 100192, 2020
A nation-wide macroscopic freight traffic model
S Müller, A Wolfermann, S Huber
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 54, 221-230, 2012
Disaggregation of aggregate GPS-based cycling data–How to enrich commercial cycling data sets for detailed cycling behaviour analysis
S Huber, S Lißner
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 2, 100041, 2019
Modelling bicycle route choice in German cities using open data, MNL and the bikeSim web-app
S Huber, S Lißner, P Lindemann, K Muthmann, A Schnabel, J Friedl
2021 7th International Conference on models and technologies for intelligent …, 2021
Transport chain choice modelling in freight transport demand models
S Huber
Open Science Journal 2 (4), 2017
Accessibility of peripheral areas in Nepal: the role of infrastructure development and environmental constraints as limiting factors
S Huber
Research Paper, Berlin, 2015
Utility of GPS data for urban bicycle traffic planning in Germany: Potentiality, limitations and prospects
S Huber, S Lißner, A Francke
International Journal of Transport Development and Integration 3 (1), 1-14, 2019
Backcasting in freight transport demand modelling–chances and challenges
P Lange, S Huber
Integration of transport logistics hubs in freight transport demand modelling
S Huber, J Klauenberg, D Luft, C Thaller
Analyse des Routenwahlverhaltens von Radfahrenden auf Grundlage GPS basierter Daten zum real beobachteten Verkehrsverhalten
S Huber
Synthetization of bicycle route data from aggregate GPS-based cycling data and its utility for bicycle route choice analysis
S Huber
2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent …, 2021
Bestehende Ansätze und Anforderungen zur Integration logistischer Knoten in der Nachfragemodellierung des Güterverkehrs
S Huber, J Klauenberg, B Lenz
Wirtschaftsverkehr 2013: Datenerfassung und verkehrsträgerübergreifende …, 2013
Transport and Logistics of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in the Mount Kenya Region
S Huber, M Kunze, M Warland
Eur. Transport Res. Rev 1 (10), 2010
Potential and Limitation of Crowd-sourced GPS Data for Bicycle Transport Planning and Modelling
Huber, Stefan
SUMBA Transport Conference 2018, 5-6 December 2018, Tallinn, Estonia, 2099
Mobilität von Radfahrenden in Deutschland – Nutzerbefragung im Rahmen der Kampagne STADTRADELN
S Lißner, M v. Harten, S Huber
Verkehrsökologische Schriftenreihe Heft 15, 2021
Simulation des Radverkehrs – Mit Web-Anwendung die Wirkungen von Infrastrukturmaßnahmen abschätzten
S Huber, K Muthmann, A Schnabel
mobilogisch! Zeitschrift für Ökologie, Politik & Bewegung, 2021
bikeSim – Web-Tool zur Prognose der Auslastung von Radverkehrsinfrastruktur. Projektabschlussbericht.
S Huber, K Muthmann, A Schnabel
Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Straßenverkehr. Technische Universität Dresden., 2021
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