Lucas C Quarantini
Lucas C Quarantini
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The confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit (CAM-ICU) and intensive care delirium screening checklist (ICDSC) for the diagnosis of delirium: a systematic review …
D Gusmao-Flores, JIF Salluh, RÁ Chalhub, LC Quarantini
Critical care 16, 1-10, 2012
Intravenous arketamine for treatment-resistant depression: open-label pilot study
GC Leal, ID Bandeira, FS Correia-Melo, M Telles, RP Mello, F Vieira, ...
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 271, 577-582, 2021
Efficacy and safety of adjunctive therapy using esketamine or racemic ketamine for adult treatment-resistant depression: a randomized, double-blind, non-inferiority study
FS Correia-Melo, GC Leal, F Vieira, AP Jesus-Nunes, RP Mello, ...
Journal of affective disorders 264, 527-534, 2020
The validity and reliability of the Portuguese versions of three tools used to diagnose delirium in critically ill patients
D Gusmao-Flores, JIF Salluh, F Dal-Pizzol, C Ritter, CD Tomasi, ...
Clinics 66, 1917-1922, 2011
Is cerebellar volume related to bipolar disorder?
L Baldaçara, F Nery-Fernandes, M Rocha, LC Quarantini, GGL Rocha, ...
Journal of affective disorders 135 (1-3), 305-309, 2011
Validade da escala hospitalar de ansiedade e depressão em pacientes com dor crônica
MMC Castro, L Quarantini, S Batista-Neves, DC Kraychete, C Daltro, ...
Revista brasileira de anestesiologia 56, 470-477, 2006
Comorbid major depression in obsessive-compulsive disorder patients
LC Quarantini, AR Torres, AS Sampaio, V Fossaluza, MA de Mathis, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 52 (4), 386-393, 2011
The impact of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder on bipolar disorder patients
LC Quarantini, Â Miranda-Scippa, F Nery-Fernandes, ...
Journal of affective disorders 123 (1-3), 71-76, 2010
Comorbidade de sintomas ansiosos e depressivos em pacientes com dor crônica e o impacto sobre a qualidade de vida
M Castro, LC Quarantini, C Daltro, M Pires-Caldas, KC Koenen, ...
Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo) 38, 126-129, 2011
Hippocampal volume in borderline personality disorder with and without comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis
E Rodrigues, A Wenzel, MP Ribeiro, LC Quarantini, A Miranda-Scippa, ...
European Psychiatry 26 (7), 452-456, 2011
White matter hyperintensities and their association with suicidally in major affective disorders: a meta-analysis of magnetic resonance imaging studies
MC Grangeon, C Seixas, LC Quarantini, A Miranda-Scippa, M Pompili, ...
CNS spectrums 15 (6), 375-381, 2010
Violence and post-traumatic stress disorder in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: the protocol for an epidemiological and genetic survey
SB Andreoli, WS Ribeiro, MI Quintana, C Guindalini, G Breen, SL Blay, ...
BMC psychiatry 9, 1-9, 2009
Religiosity as a protective factor in suicidal behavior: a case-control study
AC Caribé, R Nunez, D Montal, L Ribeiro, S Sarmento, LC Quarantini, ...
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 200 (10), 863-867, 2012
Post-traumatic stress disorder as a comorbidity: impact on disease outcomes
P Cavalcanti-Ribeiro, M Andrade-Nascimento, M Morais-de-Jesus, ...
Expert review of neurotherapeutics 12 (8), 1023-1037, 2012
Validity of the hospital anxiety and depression scale in patients with chronic pain
MMC Castro, L Quarantini, S Batista-Neves, DC Kraychete, C Daltro, ...
Revista brasileira de anestesiologia 56, 470-477, 2006
Can antidepressants prevent interferon-alpha-induced depression? A review of the literature
A Galvão-de Almeida, C Guindalini, S Batista-Neves, IR de Oliveira, ...
General hospital psychiatry 32 (4), 401-405, 2010
Prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder with propranolol: A meta-analytic review
FC Argolo, P Cavalcanti-Ribeiro, LR Netto, LC Quarantini
Journal of psychosomatic research 79 (2), 89-93, 2015
Comparative study of esketamine and racemic ketamine in treatment-resistant depression: protocol for a non-inferiority clinical trial
FS Correia-Melo, GC Leal, MS Carvalho, AP Jesus-Nunes, CBN Ferreira, ...
Medicine 97 (38), e12414, 2018
High frequency of unrecognized mental disorders in HCV-infected patients
SC Batista-Neves, LC Quarantini, AG de Almeida, RA Bressan, ...
General hospital psychiatry 30 (1), 80-82, 2008
Reduced posterior corpus callosum area in suicidal and non-suicidal patients with bipolar disorder
F Nery-Fernandes, MV Rocha, A Jackowski, G Ladeia, JL Guimarães, ...
Journal of affective disorders 142 (1-3), 150-155, 2012
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