Jordan Iles
Jordan Iles
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Effect of acidification on elemental and isotopic compositions of sediment organic matter and macro‐invertebrate muscle tissues in food web research
D Mazumder, J Iles, J Kelleway, T Kobayashi, L Knowles, N Saintilan, ...
Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 24 (20), 2938-2942, 2010
Longitudinal spatial variation in ecological conditions in an in‐channel floodplain river system during flow pulses
T Kobayashi, DS Ryder, TJ Ralph, D Mazumder, N Saintilan, J Iles, ...
River Research and Applications 27 (4), 461-472, 2011
Grazing kangaroos act as local recyclers of energy on semiarid floodplains
J Iles, J Kelleway, T Kobayashi, D Mazumder, L Knowles, D Priddel, ...
Australian Journal of Zoology 58 (3), 145-149, 2010
Trophic structure of benthic resources and consumers varies across a regulated floodplain wetland
J Kelleway, D Mazumder, GG Wilson, N Saintilan, L Knowles, J Iles, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (4), 430-440, 2010
Trophic shifts involving native and exotic fish during hydrologic recession in floodplain wetlands
D Mazumder, M Johansen, N Saintilan, J Iles, T Kobayashi, L Knowles, ...
Wetlands 32, 267-275, 2012
Phosphorus dynamics in an ephemeral wetland ecosystem after re-flooding
L Knowles, J Iles, Y Lu, T Kobayashi, L Wen
Environmental modelling & software 35, 31-37, 2012
Are the faecal pellets of kangaroos (Macropus spp.) a source of nutrients and carbon in an inland floodplain wetland during flooding? A preliminary experimental inundation …
T Kobayashi, J Iles, L Knowles
Australian Zoologist 35 (3), 458-462, 2011
Phosphorus sorption characteristics and interactions with leaf litter-derived dissolved organic matter leachate in iron-rich sediments of a sub-tropical ephemeral stream
JA Iles, NE Pettit, MJ Donn, PF Grierson
Aquatic Sciences 84 (4), 56, 2022
Resilience of a native soil seed bank in a floodplain lake subjected to cropping, grazing and extended drought
J Kelleway, J Iles, T Kobayashi, J Ling
Marine and Freshwater Research 72 (6), 787-799, 2020
Sediment, organic matter and nutrient supply to an Australian floodplain wetland and implications for management.
TJ Ralph, TN Hosking, J Iles, PP Hesse
Proceedings of the 6th Australian Stream Management Conference, Managing for …, 2012
Australian non-perennial rivers: Global lessons and research opportunities
M Shanafield, M Blanchette, E Daly, N Wells, RM Burrows, K Korbel, ...
Journal of Hydrology 634, 130939, 2024
Nutrient limitation and interactions with organic matter and sediments within dryland streams of the Pilbara region of northwest Australia
J Iles
Determinants of tree water use across a floodplain in arid, subtropical northwest Australia
P Grierson, E McLean, J Iles, G Skrzypek, M Brand, A O'Donnell, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11743, 2017
Environmental flow water and aquatic consumer food web structure: temporal aspects
J Iles, T Kobayashi, L Knowles, N Saintilan, D Mazumder
NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, and the CSIRO Water …, 2010
Chemotaxonomic responses of autotrophic periphyton communities to nutrient additions in pools of an intermittent stream
JA Iles, NE Pettit, G Cawthray, PF Grierson
Freshwater Biology 67 (12), 2148-2160, 2022
Turbidity (NTU) to Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) Conversion Protocol: Technical Report
PJ Cartwright, JA Iles, C Mattone, M O’Callaghan, NJ Waltham
James Cook University Press, Townsville, Australia, 2022
TSRA Groundwater Monitoring: Final Report 2022
JA Iles, PJ Cartwright, N Waltham
TropWATER, James Cook University, 2022
Turbidity (NTU) to Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) Conversion Protocol
P Cartwright, J Iles, C Mattone, M O'Callaghan, N Waltham
TropWATER, 2022
Port of Mackay and Hay Point Ambient Marine Water Quality Monitoring Program: Annual Report 2020-2021
N Waltham, JA Iles, J Johns
TropWATER, James Cook University, 2021
Isotopic studies of food-web properties in Yanga wetlands, NSW Australia
D Mazumder, MP Johansen, Y Kobayashi, J Iles, N Saintilan, L Knowles, ...
Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference, 2009
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