Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation T Klinger, T Andreeva, S Bozhenkov, C Brandt, R Burhenn, B Buttenschön, ... Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112004, 2019 | 260 | 2019 |
Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator RC Wolf, A Ali, A Alonso, J Baldzuhn, C Beidler, M Beurskens, ... Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102020, 2017 | 216 | 2017 |
Electron cyclotron heating for W7-X: physics and technology V Erckmann, P Brand, H Braune, G Dammertz, G Gantenbein, ... Fusion science and technology 52 (2), 291-312, 2007 | 215 | 2007 |
Magnetic configuration effects on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator A Dinklage, CD Beidler, P Helander, G Fuchert, H Maaßberg, ... Nature Physics 14 (8), 855-860, 2018 | 176 | 2018 |
Physics in the magnetic configuration space of W7-X J Geiger, CD Beidler, Y Feng, H Maaßberg, NB Marushchenko, Y Turkin Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 (1), 014004, 2014 | 158 | 2014 |
The neoclassical “Electron Root” feature in the Wendelstein-7-AS stellarator H Maassberg, CD Beidler, U Gasparino, M Romé, KS Dyabilin, ... Physics of Plasmas 7 (1), 295-311, 2000 | 147 | 2000 |
Confirmation of the topology of the Wendelstein 7-X magnetic field to better than 1: 100,000 TS Pedersen, M Otte, S Lazerson, P Helander, S Bozhenkov, ... Nature communications 7 (1), 13493, 2016 | 145 | 2016 |
Ray-tracing code TRAVIS for ECR heating, EC current drive and ECE diagnostic NB Marushchenko, Y Turkin, H Maaßberg Computer Physics Communications 185 (1), 165-176, 2014 | 136 | 2014 |
5-D simulation study of suprathermal electron transport in non-axisymmetric plasmas S Murakami, U Gasparino, H Idei, S Kubo, H Maassberg, ... Nuclear Fusion 40 (3Y), 693, 2000 | 136 | 2000 |
Electron-cyclotron-current-drive efficiency in DEMO plasmas E Poli, G Tardini, H Zohm, E Fable, D Farina, L Figini, NB Marushchenko, ... Nuclear Fusion 53 (1), 013011, 2012 | 130 | 2012 |
Performance of Wendelstein 7-X stellarator plasmas during the first divertor operation phase RC Wolf, A Alonso, S Äkäslompolo, J Baldzuhn, M Beurskens, CD Beidler, ... Physics of Plasmas 26 (8), 2019 | 128 | 2019 |
Technical challenges in the construction of the steady-state stellarator Wendelstein 7-X HS Bosch, RC Wolf, T Andreeva, J Baldzuhn, D Birus, T Bluhm, T Bräuer, ... Nuclear Fusion 53 (12), 126001, 2013 | 125 | 2013 |
The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) effort: achievements and first physics results GL Falchetto, D Coster, R Coelho, BD Scott, L Figini, D Kalupin, E Nardon, ... Nuclear Fusion 54 (4), 043018, 2014 | 104 | 2014 |
TORBEAM 2.0, a paraxial beam tracing code for electron-cyclotron beams in fusion plasmas for extended physics applications E Poli, A Bock, M Lochbrunner, O Maj, M Reich, A Snicker, A Stegmeir, ... Computer Physics Communications 225, 36-46, 2018 | 92 | 2018 |
High-performance plasmas after pellet injections in Wendelstein 7-X SA Bozhenkov, Y Kazakov, OP Ford, MNA Beurskens, J Alcusón, ... Nuclear Fusion 60 (6), 066011, 2020 | 89 | 2020 |
Kinetic modelling of the ECRH power deposition in W7-AS M Romé, V Erckmann, U Gasparino, HJ Hartfuß, G Kühner, H Maaßberg, ... Plasma physics and controlled fusion 39 (1), 117, 1997 | 82 | 1997 |
Electron-Bernstein-wave current drive in an overdense plasma at the Wendelstein 7-AS stellarator HP Laqua, H Maassberg, NB Marushchenko, F Volpe, A Weller, ... Physical review letters 90 (7), 075003, 2003 | 81 | 2003 |
Current control by ECCD for W7-X Y Turkin, H Maaßberg, CD Beidler, J Geiger, NB Marushchenko Fusion Science and Technology 50 (3), 387-394, 2006 | 77 | 2006 |
Electron-cyclotron-resonance heating in Wendelstein 7-X: A versatile heating and current-drive method and a tool for in-depth physics studies RC Wolf, S Bozhenkov, A Dinklage, G Fuchert, YO Kazakov, HP Laqua, ... Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 (1), 014037, 2018 | 68 | 2018 |
On the heating mix of ITER F Wagner, A Becoulet, R Budny, V Erckmann, D Farina, G Giruzzi, ... Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 52 (12), 124044, 2010 | 60 | 2010 |