Ahmed Ali
Empirical investigation of Facebook discontinues usage intentions based on SOR paradigm
A Luqman, X Cao, A Ali, A Masood, L Yu
Computers in Human Behavior 70, 544-555, 2017
Excessive use of mobile social networking sites and poor academic performance: Antecedents and consequences from stressor-strain-outcome perspective
X Cao, A Masood, A Luqman, A Ali
Computers in Human Behavior 85, 163-174, 2018
Social comparison as a double-edged sword on social media: The role of envy type and online social identity
K Latif, Q Weng, AH Pitafi, A Ali, AW Siddiqui, MY Malik, Z Latif
Telematics and Informatics 56, 101470, 2021
Adverse consequences of excessive social networking site use on academic performance: Explaining underlying mechanism from stress perspective
A Masood, A Luqman, Y Feng, A Ali
Computers in human behavior 113, 106476, 2020
An SDT and TPB-based integrated approach to explore the role of autonomous and controlled motivations in “SNS discontinuance intention”
A Luqman, A Masood, A Ali
Computers in Human Behavior 85, 298-307, 2018
Linking excessive SNS use, technological friction, strain, and discontinuance: the moderating role of guilt
A Luqman, A Masood, Q Weng, A Ali, MI Rasheed
Information Systems Management 37 (2), 94-112, 2020
Differential market reactions to pre and post Brexit referendum
U Bashir, GF Zebende, Y Yu, M Hussain, A Ali, G Abbas
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 515, 151-158, 2019
Why I persist while others leave? Investigating the path from passion to persistence in entrepreneurship
A Kiani, A Ali, A Biraglia, D Wang
Journal of Small Business Management 61 (6), 2818-2848, 2023
An eye for an eye: does subordinates’ negative workplace gossip lead to supervisor abuse?
M Naeem, Q Weng, A Ali, Z Hameed
Personnel Review 49 (1), 284-302, 2020
Linking family incivility to workplace incivility: Mediating role of negative emotions and moderating role of self‐efficacy for emotional regulation
M Naeem, Q Weng, A Ali, Z Hameed
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 23 (1), 69-81, 2020
Do banking system transparency and competition affect nonperforming loans in the Chinese banking sector?
U Bashir, Y Yu, M Hussain, X Wang, A Ali
Applied Economics Letters 24 (21), 1519-1525, 2017
How and when entrepreneurs’ passion lead to firms’ radical innovation: Moderated mediation model
A Kiani, A Ali, S Kanwal, D Wang
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 32 (4), 443-456, 2020
When do low‐power customers complain? The joint effects of chronic sense of personal power and complaint success on complaining intentions
A Popelnukha, Q Weng, A Ali, C Atamba
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 20 (1), 101-118, 2021
Job insecurity and unethical pro-organizational behavior: The joint moderating effects of moral identity and proactive personality
D Wang, Q Weng, A Kiani, A Ali
Personality and Individual Differences, 2022
Perceived fit, entrepreneurial passion for founding, and entrepreneurial intention
A Kiani, A Ali, D Wang, ZU Islam
The International Journal of Management Education, 2022
How and when perceived job search incivility leads to reduced job search behavior
ZU Islam, QD Weng, A Ali
Personnel Review, 2022
Harmonising innovation: the nexus of Zhong-Yong thinking, innovation behaviour, R&D resource allocation, and exploratory innovation
A Kiani, D Yang, A Ali, D Wang
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-15, 2024
Too Much, Too Good! Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Learning, and the Moderating Role of Technological Competence
A Kiani, D Wang, A Ali, K He
ZfKE–Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 123-146, 2023
How Job-insecure Employees Engage in Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior?
D Wang, A Kiani, A Ali
Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 2023
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