Shengchao Chen
Shengchao Chen
Austrilian AI Institute, University of Technology Sydney
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Cost-effective improvement of the performance of AWG-based FBG wavelength interrogation via a cascaded neural network
S Chen, F Yao, S Ren, G Wang, M Huang
Optics Express 30 (5), 7647-7663, 2022
Prompt Federated Learning for Weather Forecasting: Toward Foundation Models on Meteorological Data
S Chen, G Long, T Shen, J Jiang
(IJCAI) The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023
Fabry-Perot interferometric sensor demodulation system utilizing multi-peak wavelength tracking and neural network algorithm
S Chen, F Yao, S Ren, J Yang, Q Yang, S Yuan, G Wang, M Huang
Optics express 30 (14), 24461-24480, 2022
Federated Prompt Learning for Weather Foundation Models on Devices
S Chen, G Long, T Shen, J Jiang, C Zhang
(IJCAI) The 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024
Interpretable CNN-Multilevel Attention Transformer for Rapid Recognition of Pneumonia from Chest X-Ray Images
S Chen, S Ren, G Wang, M Huang, C Xue
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 28 (2), 753 - 764, 2024
Reconstruction of Fabry-Perot interferometric sensor spectrum from extremely sparse sampling points using dense neural network
S Chen, S Ren, J Yang, F Yao, Q Yang, L Wang, G Wang, M Huang
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 34 (24), 1337-1340, 2022
TempEE: Temporal-Spatial Parallel Transformer for Radar Echo Extrapolation Beyond Auto-Regression
S Chen, T Shu, H Zhao, G Zhong, X Chen
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 5108914, 2023
Foundation models for weather and climate data understanding: A comprehensive survey
S Chen, G Long, J Jiang, D Liu, C Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03014, 2023
Improvement of fiber Bragg grating wavelength demodulation system by cascading generative adversarial network and dense neural network
S Li, S Ren, S Chen, B Yu
Applied Sciences 12 (18), 9031, 2022
High-efficiency FBG array sensor interrogation system via a neural network working with sparse data
S Ren, S Chen, J Yang, J Wang, Q Yang, C Xue, G Wang, M Huang
Optics Express 31 (5), 8937-8952, 2023
Space target classification with corrupted HRRP sequences based on temporal–spatial feature aggregation network
YP Zhang, L Zhang, L Kang, H Wang, Y Luo, Q Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-18, 2023
Dynamic multiscale fusion generative adversarial network for radar image extrapolation
S Chen, T Shu, H Zhao, Q Wan, J Huang, C Li
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-11, 2022
Microstructured optical fibers based hybrid Fabry–Pérot interferometer structure for improved strain sensing by Vernier effect
Y Kong, Y Ruan, H Ebendorff-Heidepriem, Z Xu, X Shu
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-14, 2022
MASK-CNN-Transformer for real-time multi-label weather recognition
S Chen, T Shu, H Zhao, YY Tang
Knowledge-Based Systems 278, 110881, 2023
Efficient calculation of optical properties of suspended-core fiber via a machine learning algorithm
S Yuan*, S Chen*, J Yang, Q Yang, S Ren, G Wang, B Yu
Applied Optics 61 (19), 5714-5721, 2022
Unsupervised representation learning-based spectrum reconstruction for demodulation of Fabry–Pérot interferometer sensor
S Ren, S Chen, H Xu, X Hou, Q Yang, G Wang, C Shen
IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (12), 13810-13816, 2023
Collaborative photonic crystal fiber property optimization: A new paradigm for reverse design
S Chen, X Wang, S Ren, J Yang, Y Zhang, G Wang
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2023
Semi-supervised deep learning model for efficient computation of optical properties of suspended-core fibers
G Wang, S Ren, S Li, S Chen, B Yu
Sensors 22 (18), 6751, 2022
Dual-parameter demodulation of fbg-fpi cascade sensors via sparse samples: A deep learning-based perspective
H Xu, S Chen, S Ren, X Hou, G Wang, C Shen
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023
Integrated and robust Fabry–Perot humidity sensor based on metal–organic framework onto fiber-optic facet
S Liu, X Zhang, Q Wang, S Chen, F Wang, J Wang, G Wang, W Yang, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (12), 12906-12914, 2023
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