Organizational behavior R Kreitner, A Kinicki, M Buelens Irwin/McGraw-Hill., 2001 | 8728* | 2001 |
Employability: A psycho-social construct, its dimensions, and applications M Fugate, AJ Kinicki, BE Ashforth Journal of Vocational behavior 65 (1), 14-38, 2004 | 3731 | 2004 |
Perilaku organisasi R Kreitner, A Kinicki Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2, 2005 | 3621 | 2005 |
Psychological and physical well-being during unemployment: a meta-analytic study. F McKee-Ryan, Z Song, CR Wanberg, AJ Kinicki Journal of applied psychology 90 (1), 53, 2005 | 3329 | 2005 |
Organizational culture and climate D Zohar, DA Hofmann | 1883 | 2012 |
Organizational culture and organizational effectiveness: a meta-analytic investigation of the competing values framework's theoretical suppositions. CA Hartnell, AY Ou, A Kinicki Journal of applied psychology 96 (4), 677, 2011 | 1703 | 2011 |
Toward a greater understanding of how dissatisfaction drives employee turnover PW Hom, AJ Kinicki Academy of Management journal 44 (5), 975-987, 2001 | 1191 | 2001 |
Assessing the construct validity of the job descriptive index: a review and meta-analysis. AJ Kinicki, FM McKee-Ryan, CA Schriesheim, KP Carson Journal of applied psychology 87 (1), 14, 2002 | 991 | 2002 |
A dispositional approach to employability: Development of a measure and test of implications for employee reactions to organizational change M Fugate, AJ Kinicki Journal of Occupational and organizational Psychology 81 (3), 503-527, 2008 | 840 | 2008 |
A test of job security's direct and mediated effects on withdrawal cognitions JA Davy, AJ Kinicki, CL Scheck Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 1997 | 797 | 1997 |
Management: A practical introduction A Kinicki, BK Williams McGraw-Hill, 2020 | 765 | 2020 |
Humble chief executive officers’ connections to top management team integration and middle managers’ responses AY Ou, AS Tsui, AJ Kinicki, DA Waldman, Z Xiao, LJ Song Administrative science quarterly 59 (1), 34-72, 2014 | 748 | 2014 |
Comportamiento organizacional A Kinicki, R Kreitner México. Editorial Mc Graw Hill, 2003 | 685 | 2003 |
Comportamiento de las organizaciones R Kreitner, A Kinicki McGraw-Hill, 1998 | 657 | 1998 |
A motivational investigation of group effectiveness using social-cognitive theory. GE Prussia, AJ Kinicki Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (2), 187, 1996 | 647 | 1996 |
Multiple perspectives of congruence: Relationships between value congruence and employee attitudes C Ostroff, Y Shin, AJ Kinicki Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2005 | 644 | 2005 |
Consequences of differentiated leadership in groups JB Wu, AS Tsui, AJ Kinicki Academy of Management Journal 53 (1), 90-106, 2010 | 620 | 2010 |
An integrative process model of coping with job loss JC Latack, AJ Kinicki, GE Prussia Academy of Management Review 20 (2), 311-342, 1995 | 537 | 1995 |
Influences on the quality of supervisor–subordinate relations: The role of time‐pressure, organizational commitment, and locus of control AJ Kinicki, RP Vecchio Journal of organizational behavior 15 (1), 75-82, 1994 | 530 | 1994 |
Employee coping with organizational change: An examination of alternative theoretical perspectives and models M Fugate, AJ Kinicki, GE Prussia Personnel Psychology 61 (1), 1-36, 2008 | 468 | 2008 |