Toxicity of Senecio vernalis to laying hens and evaluation of residues in eggs. H Eröksüz, Y Eröksüz, H Ozer, I Yaman, F Tosun, U Tamer Veterinary and human toxicology 45 (2), 76-80, 2003 | 23 | 2003 |
Effects of aqueous artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaf extract on hepatic damage generated by alpha-amanitine K MB, K FM, E Pamukcu, Y Eröksüz, N Özdemir Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 23 (1), 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
The effect of sodium hyaluronate plus sodium chondroitin sulfate solution on peritendinous adhesion and tendon healing: an experimental study HB Tosun, SA Gümüştaş, A Uludağ, S Serbest, Y Eröksüz Balkan Medical Journal 33 (3), 258-266, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Toxicity of Heliotropium dolosum, Heliotropium circinatum, and Senecio vernalis in parental quail and their progeny, with residue evaluation of eggs Y Eroeksuez, ALİO ÇERİBAŞI, A Cevik, H Eroeksuez, F Tosun, U TAMER Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 32 (6), 475-482, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
Feline infectious peritonitis with distinct ocular involvement in a cat in Turkey E Baydar, Y ERÖKSÜZ, T MÖ, H ERÖKSÜZ Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20 (6), 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
A survey of Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbit colonies in Elaziğ, Turkey: pathomorphologic and serologic (carbonimmunoassay test) studies. Y Eröksüz, H Eröksüz, H Özer, A Cevik, Ö Ünver | 14 | 1999 |
Pulmonary sequestration and bronchogenic cyst in a calf I Canpolat, Y ERÖKSÜZ Firat Üniversitesi Saglik Bilimleri Dergisi 21 (6), 281-284, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
Enzootik pnömoni semptomları görülen bir besi sığırı işletmesinde Mycoplasma bovis enfeksiyonu M İssi, Y Eröksüz, H Öngör, Y Gül, M Kaya, A Çevik Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (1), 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Presence of a very virulent genotype of Infectious bursal disease virus in vaccinated layer hens in Turkey ALİO ÇERİBAŞI, H Bulut, İ Gülaçti, Y Eröksüz, Y Bolat Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 31 (2), 105-111, 2007 | 8 | 2007 |
Toxicity of dietary Heliotropium dolosum seed to broiler chickens. Y Eröksüz, H Eröksüz, H Ozer, H Canatan, I Yaman, A Cevik Veterinary and human toxicology 43 (6), 334-338, 2001 | 8 | 2001 |
Elazığ yöresinde bir buzağıda doğal çinko yetersizliği olgusu CAN Rauf Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 23 (3), 225-228, 1999 | 8 | 1999 |
Morphologic Examinations of Cases of Naturally AcquiredEncephalitozoonosis in a Rabbit Colony H ERÖKSÜZ, Y ERÖKSÜZ, N METİN, H ÖZER Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 23 (3), 191-196, 1999 | 8 | 1999 |
Toxicity of dietary Heliotropium circinatum to rats. H Eröksüz, Y Eröksüz, H Ozer, AO Ceribasi, F Tosun, U Tamer, CA Kizilay Veterinary and human toxicology 45 (4), 198-201, 2003 | 7 | 2003 |
Toxicity of dietary Heliotropium dolosum seed to mice. Y Eröksüz, H Eröksüz, H Ozer, B Sener, F Tosun, C Akyüz Veterinary and human toxicology 43 (3), 152-155, 2001 | 7 | 2001 |
Effects on the wound healing process using Ozonated oils (sesame, Nigella sativa, Hypericum perforatum) in rats I Canpolat, Y Eröksüz, T Rızaoğlu Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 5 (1), 25-33, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Effect of Decorin and Bevacizumab on oxygen-induced retinopathy in rat models: A comparative study SD Güler, M Balbaba, N Çolakoğlu, Ö Bulmuş, F Ulaş, Y Eröksüz Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 69 (2), 369-373, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Comparison of healing effects of propolis to silver sulfadiazine on full thickness skin wounds in rabbits Y Eröksüz, İ Canpolat, S Silici FÜ Sağ. Bil. Derg 22 (1), 17-20, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
Infertil ineklerde endometritisin klinik muayene ve biyopsi ile teşhisi üzerine çalişma AM Apaydın, H Özer, C Kalkan, H Öcal, H Bostancıoğlu, Y Eröksüz Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2 (1-2), 81-95, 1991 | 5 | 1991 |
Ratlarda intraabdominal adezyonların önlenmesinde karboksimetilselüloz, meloksikam ve vitamin E kombinasyonlarının etkisi E Kıyaklı, Y Eröksüz, E Baydar, M Köm | 4 | 2017 |
Traumatic reticuloperitonitis in a flock of sheep E Baydar, K Kulualp, Y Eröksüz, T Karapınar, H Eröksüz Journal of applied animal research 44 (1), 311-314, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |