Hari Kishan Perugu PhD
Hari Kishan Perugu PhD
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Emission modelling of light-duty vehicles in India using the revamped VSP-based MOVES model: The case study of Hyderabad
H Perugu
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 68, 150-163, 2019
Sensitivity analysis of project level MOVES running emission rates for light and heavy duty vehicles
Z Yao, H Wei, H Perugu, H Liu, Z Li
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) 1 (2), 81-96, 2014
Integrated data-driven modeling to estimate PM2. 5 pollution from heavy-duty truck transportation activity over metropolitan area
H Perugu, H Wei, Z Yao
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 46, 114-127, 2016
A comparison of route-choice navigation across air pollution exposure, CO2 emission and traditional travel cost factors
MS Alam, H Perugu, A McNabola
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 65, 82-100, 2018
Developing high-resolution urban scale heavy-duty truck emission inventory using the data-driven truck activity model output
H Perugu, H Wei, Z Yao
Atmospheric environment 155, 210-230, 2017
Off-road construction and agricultural equipment electrification: Review, challenges, and opportunities
F Un-Noor, G Wu, H Perugu, S Collier, S Yoon, M Barth, ...
Vehicles 4 (3), 780-807, 2022
Oversaturation inherence and traffic diversion effect at urban intersections through simulation
WEI Heng, HC Perugu
Journal of transportation systems engineering and information technology 9 …, 2009
Characterization of battery electric transit bus energy consumption by temporal and speed variation
H Perugu, S Collier, Y Tan, S Yoon, J Herner
Energy 263, 125914, 2023
Operational feasibility assessment of battery electric construction equipment based on in-use activity data
F Un-Noor, G Scora, G Wu, K Boriboonsomsin, H Perugu, S Collier, ...
Transportation Research Record 2675 (9), 809-820, 2021
Modeling truck activity using short-term traffic counts for reliable estimation of heavy-duty truck emissions in urban areas
H Perugu, H Wei, Z Yao
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2014
Incorporating temperature effects in California's on-road emission gridding process for air quality model inputs
H Perugu, L Ramirez, J DaMassa
Environmental Pollution 239, 1-12, 2018
Modeling Roadway Link PM2.5 Emissions with Accurate Truck Activity Estimate for Regional Transportation Conformity Analysis
H Perugu, H Wei, A Rohne
Transportation research record 2270 (1), 87-95, 2012
Sensitivity analysis for MOVES running emissions: a latin hypercube sampling-based approach
Z Yao, H Wei, H Perugu, H Liu
CICTP 2014: Safe, Smart, and Sustainable Multimodal Transportation Systems …, 2014
Heuristic System Model and Algorithms for Integrated Urban CorridorTraffic Control System with Access Management Measures
HC Perugu, H Wei, NC Kashayi
Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, 07-1515, 2007
An Improved Methodology for Modeling Truck Contribution to Regional Air Quality
H Perugu, H Wei, Z Yao
14th TRB National Transportation Planning Applications Conference, 2013
Accurate truck activity estimate for roadway link pm2. 5 emissions
H Perugu, H Wei, A Rohne
CICTP 2012: Multimodal Transportation Systems—Convenient, Safe, Cost …, 2012
Model for Quantitative Estimation of Efficacy of Freeway-Arterial Traffic Diversion Strategy for Incident and Emergency Response: Methodology and Case Study
H Wei, P Konda, XK Yang, HC Perugu
Transportation Research Board 86th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2007
Improving exhaust emission evaluation: An integrated modelling approach for urban road networks in diverse operating environments
A Chawla, M Khare, H Perugu
Atmospheric Pollution Research, 102207, 2024
Energy Consumption of a Public Transit Fleet Leapfrogging to Full Electric Powertrains
S Colliers, Y Tan, H Perugu, S Yoon, J Herner
29th CRC Real World Emissions Wokshop, 2019
Integrated Transportation Energy Model Tools : Transit bus energy audit application
H Perugu, S Colliers, S Yoon, Y Tan, J Herner
29th CRC Real World Emissions Workshop, 2019
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