Edin Hamzic
Edin Hamzic
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Estimates of autozygosity derived from runs of homozygosity: empirical evidence from selected cattle populations
M Ferenčaković, E Hamzić, B Gredler, TR Solberg, G Klemetsdal, I Curik, ...
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 130 (4), 286-293, 2013
Runs of homozygosity reveal genome-wide autozygosity in the Austrian Fleckvieh cattle
M Ferencakovic, E Hamzic, B Gredler, I Curik, J Sölkner
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 76 (4), 325-329, 2011
Genome-wide association study and biological pathway analysis of the Eimeria maxima response in broilers
E Hamzić, B Buitenhuis, F Hérault, R Hawken, MS Abrahamsen, B Servin, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 47, 1-17, 2015
Large-scale investigation of the parameters in response to Eimeria maxima challenge in broilers
E Hamzic, B Bed'Hom, H Juin, R Hawken, MS Abrahamsen, JM Elsen, ...
Journal of Animal Science 93 (4), 1830-1840, 2015
Characterization of cellular and humoral immune responses after IBV infection in chicken lines differing in MBL serum concentration
RM Kjærup, TS Dalgaard, LR Norup, E Hamzic, P Sørensen, ...
Viral immunology 27 (10), 529-542, 2014
RNA sequencing-based analysis of the spleen transcriptome following infectious bronchitis virus infection of chickens selected for different mannose-binding lectin serum …
E Hamzić, RB Kjærup, N Mach, G Minozzi, F Strozzi, V Gualdi, JL Williams, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-13, 2016
Measuring nonhomologous end-joining, homologous recombination and alternative end-joining simultaneously at an endogenous locus in any transfectable human cell
SS Hussain, R Majumdar, GM Moore, H Narang, ES Buechelmaier, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (13), e74-e74, 2021
Annotation and genetic diversity of the chicken collagenous lectins
E Hamzić, MH Pinard-van Der Laan, B Bed’Hom, HR Juul-Madsen
Molecular Immunology 65 (2), 277-286, 2015
Levels of inbreeding dervied from runs of homozygosity: a comparison of Austrian and Norwegian cattle breeds
E Hamzic
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 2012
Osnove veterinarske histologije
A Katica, N Mlaćo, D Hasanbašić, E Hamzić
Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Veterinarski fakultet, Sarajevo, 2010
Basic of Veterinary Histology
A Katica, N Mlaćo, DH Bašić, E Hamzić
Sarajevo: Veterinary Faculty, University of Sarajevo, 2010
Plasma components as traits for resistance to coccidiosis in chicken
E Hamzic, B Bed'Hom, H Juin, R Hawken, MS Abrahamsen, JM Elsen, ...
10. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), np, 2014
Research of mastitis prevalence at heifers in farm breeding
N Varatanović, A Katica, T Mutevelić, B Čengić, N Mlaćo, E Hamzić
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 25 (1-2), 73-80, 2009
Genetics of mechanisms controlling responses to two major pathogens in broiler and layer chickens
E Hamzic
AgroParisTech; Aarhus University [Aarhus], 2015
Investigation of immune response to Eimeria maxima in broilers
E Hamzic, B Bed'Hom, H Juin, R Hawken, M Abrahamsen, JM Elsen, ...
8th European Symposium on Poultry Genetics, 2013
Investigation of immune response to Eimeria maxima in broilers
O Demeure, E Hamzic, H Juin, M Naciri, HR Juul-Madsen, R Okimoto, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 77, np, 2013
Exploratory genetic analysis in children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disorders using whole exome sequencing
E Hamzic, L Spahic, N Pistoljevic, E Dzanko, S Pasic, L Kadric, ...
Biomolecules and Biomedicine, 2024
Analysis of the genomic regions associated to response to coccidiosis caused by Eimeria maxima in broiler chickens
B Bed'Hom, MH Pinard-van Der Laan, R Hawken, E Hamzic
36. Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG), 1 p., 2017
Analyse fonctionnelle des régions génomiques associées à la réponse à la coccidiose à Eimeria maxima chez des poulets de chair
E Hamzic, MH Pinard-van Der Laan, B Buitenhuis, R Hawken, B Bed'Hom
12. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras 12, np, 2017
Functional analysis of genomic regions associated to response to coccidiosis caused by Eimeria maxima in broilers.
E Hamzić, MH Pinard-van der Laan, B Buitenhuis, R Hawken, B Bed'Hom
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