Aneta Piekut
Aneta Piekut
Sheffield Methods Institute, University of Sheffield
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Spaces of encounter and attitudes towards difference: A comparative study of two European cities
A Piekut, G Valentine
Social Science Research 62, 175-188, 2017
‘Other’posts in ‘other’places: Poland through a postcolonial lens?
L Mayblin, A Piekut, G Valentine
Sociology 50 (1), 60-76, 2016
Frontiers in residential segregation: Understanding neighbourhood boundaries and their impacts
N Dean, G Dong, A Piekut, G Pryce
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 110 (3), 271-288, 2019
Intimate encounters: The negotiation of difference within the family and its implications for social relations in public space
G Valentine, A Piekut, C Harris
The Geographical Journal 181 (3), 280-294, 2015
Multidimensional diversity in two European cities: thinking beyond ethnicity
A Piekut, P Rees, G Valentine, M Kupiszewski
Environment and Planning A 44 (12), 2988-3009, 2012
‘Big Brother welcomes you’: exploring innovative methods for research with children and young people outside of the home and school environments
C Harris, L Jackson, L Mayblin, A Piekut, G Valentine
Qualitative Research 15 (5), 583-599, 2015
Od zbiorowości do społeczności: rola migrantów osiedleńczych w tworzeniu się społeczności imigranckich w Polsce
A Górny, A Grzymała-Kazłowska, E Kępińska, A Fihel, A Piekut
CMR Working Papers, 2007
Perceived diversity and acceptance of minority ethnic groups in two urban contexts
A Piekut, G Valentine
European Sociological Review 32 (3), 339-354, 2016
Segregation in the Twenty First Century: Processes, Complexities and Future Directions
A Piekut, G Pryce, W van Gent
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 2019
You’ve got Starbucks and Coffee Heaven... I Can Do This! Spaces of Social Adaptation of Highly Skilled Migrants in Warsaw
A Piekut
Central and Eastern European Migration Review 2 (1), 117-138, 2013
Attitudes towards the ‘stranger’: negotiating encounters with difference in the UK and Poland
C Harris, L Jackson, A Piekut, G Valentine
Social & cultural geography 18 (1), 16-33, 2017
Visible and Invisible Ethnic Others in Warsaw: Spaces of Encounter and Places of Exclusion
A Piekut
Chasing Warsaw. Socio-Material Dynamics of Urban Change since 1990, 189-212, 2012
Mapping the meaning of ‘difference’in Europe: A social topography of prejudice
G Valentine, A Piekut, A Winiarska, C Harris, L Jackson
Ethnicities 15 (4), 568-585, 2015
„Mała Ukraina” czy polskie Viettown? Społeczno-przestrzenne wzory zamieszkiwania imigrantów w metropolii warszawskiej
A Grzymała-Kazłowska, A Piekut
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 77-99, 2007
Survey nonresponse in attitudes towards immigration in Europe
A Piekut
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019
Wysoko wykwalifikowani wewnątrzunijni migranci w Warszawie-w przestrzeni społecznej czy w transnarodowej przestrzeni przepływów?
A Piekut
CMR Working Papers, 2013
The growing importance of reproducibility and responsible workflow in the data science and statistics curriculum
NJ Horton, R Alexander, M Parker, A Piekut, C Rundel
Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education 30 (3), 207-208, 2022
Re-theorising spatial segregation: A European perspective
A Piekut
Urban Inequality and segregation in Europe and China: Towards a new dialogue …, 2021
Brexit and beyond: Transforming mobility and immobility
M Kilkey, A Piekut, L Ryan
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 5-12-5-12, 2020
Seeking ‘the new normal’? Troubled spaces of encountering visible differences in Warsaw
A Piekut, UM Vieten, G Valentine
Polish Sociological Review 188 (4), 541-558, 2014
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