Fabio A. Bendana
Fabio A. Bendana
Research Scientist, The Aerospace Corporation
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Wavelength modulation spectroscopy near 5 μm for carbon monoxide sensing in a high-pressure kerosene-fueled liquid rocket combustor
DD Lee, FA Bendana, SA Schumaker, RM Spearrin
Applied Physics B 124 (5), 77, 2018
Multi-isotopologue laser absorption spectroscopy of carbon monoxide for high-temperature chemical kinetic studies of fuel mixtures
DI Pineda, FA Bendana, KK Schwarm, RM Spearrin
Combustion and Flame 207, 379-390, 2019
Line mixing and broadening in the v(1→ 3) first overtone bandhead of carbon monoxide at high temperatures and high pressures
FA Bendana, DD Lee, C Wei, DI Pineda, RM Spearrin
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 106636, 2019
Design-build-launch: a hybrid project-based laboratory course for aerospace engineering education
RM Spearrin, FA Bendana
Acta Astronautica, 2018
Line mixing and broadening of carbon dioxide by argon in the v3 bandhead near 4.2 µm at high temperatures and high pressures
DD Lee, FA Bendana, AP Nair, DI Pineda, RM Spearrin
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 253, 107135, 2020
Cross-band infrared laser absorption of carbon monoxide for thermometry and species sensing in high-pressure rocket flows
FA Bendana, DD Lee, SA Schumaker, SA Danczyk, RM Spearrin
Applied Physics B 125 (11), 204, 2019
Nonequilibrium vibrational, rotational, and translational thermometry via megahertz laser absorption of CO
CC Jelloian, FA Bendana, C Wei, RM Spearrin, ME MacDonald
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 36 (2), 266-275, 2022
In-situ thermochemical analysis of hybrid rocket fuel oxidation via laser absorption tomography of CO, CO2, and H2O
FA Bendana, IC Sanders, JJ Castillo, CG Hagström, DI Pineda, ...
Experiments in Fluids 61 (9), 1-13, 2020
Exploiting line-mixing effects for laser absorption spectroscopy at extreme combustion pressures
DD Lee, FA Bendana, AP Nair, SA Danczyk, WA Hargus Jr, RM Spearrin
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (1), 1685-1693, 2021
Injector effects on hybrid polymethylmethacrylate combustion assessed by thermochemical tomography
IC Sanders, FA Bendana, CG Hagström, R Mitchell Spearrin
Journal of Propulsion and Power 37 (6), 928-943, 2021
MHz mid-infrared laser absorption sensor for carbon monoxide and temperature behind detonation waves
AP Nair, C Jelloian, DS Morrow, FA Bendana, DI Pineda, RM Spearrin
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 0733, 2020
Infrared laser absorption thermometry and CO sensing in high-pressure rocket combustion flows from 25 to 105 bar
FA Bendana, DD Lee, RM Spearrin, SA Schumaker, SA Danczyk
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1610, 2019
Laser Absorption Spectroscopy of Carbon Monoxide near 4.97 μm for Temperature and Species Measurements in Hydrocarbon-Fueled Rockets
DD Lee, FA Bendana, M Spearrin
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1778, 2018
Competitive oxidation of methane and C2 hydrocarbons discerned by isotopic labeling and laser absorption spectroscopy of CO isotopologues in shock-heated mixtures
DI Pineda, FA Bendana, RM Spearrin
Combustion and Flame 224, 54-65, 2021
Thermochemical structure of a hybrid rocket reaction layer based on laser absorption tomography
FA Bendana, JJ Castillo, CG Hagström, RM Spearrin
AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, 4337, 2019
Localized characteristic velocity (c*) for rocket combustion analysis based on gas temperature and composition via laser absorption spectroscopy
FA Bendana, IC Sanders, NG Stacy, RM Spearrin
Measurement Science and Technology 32 (12), 125203, 2021
Assessing oxidizer injector design via thermochemical imaging of PMMA combustion in a hybrid rocket motor geometry
IC Sanders, FA Bendana, C Hagstrom, RM Spearrin
AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum, 3747, 2020
Shock tube kinetics and laser absorption diagnostics for liquid-and hybrid-propellant rocket combustion analysis
FA Bendana
University of California, Los Angeles, 2020
Simultaneous vibrational, rotational, and translational thermometry based on laser absorption of CO in shock-induced non-equilibrium
C Jelloian, FA Bendana, C Wei, RM Spearrin, ME MacDonald
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 0448, 2021
Laser absorption of carbon dioxide at the vibrational bandhead near 4.2 μm in high-pressure rocket combustion environments
DD Lee, FA Bendana, AP Nair, RM Spearrin, SA Danczyk, WA Hargus
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 0298, 2020
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