Serafin von Roon
Serafin von Roon
Geschäftsführer der FfE München
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Review of wind generation within adequacy calculations and capacity markets for different power systems
L Söder, E Tómasson, A Estanqueiro, D Flynn, BM Hodge, J Kiviluoma, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 119, 109540, 2020
Hydropower flexibility for power systems with variable renewable energy sources: An IEA Task 25 collaboration
D Huertas‐Hernando, H Farahmand, H Holttinen, J Kiviluoma, E Rinne, ...
Advances in energy systems: The large‐scale renewable energy integration …, 2019
Demand response in der industrie-Status und Potenziale in Deutschland
S von Roon, T Gobmaier
München: Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft eV (FfE), 2010
Flexibilitätsoptionen in der Grundstoffindustrie: Methodik, Potenziale, Hemmnisse: Bericht des AP V. 6" Flexibilitätsoptionen und Perspektiven in der Grundstoffindustrie" im …
F Ausfelder
DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie eV, 2018
Merit order des Kraftwerkparks
S Von Roon, M Huck
Report, Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft FfE (Research Center for …, 2010
The role of aggregators in facilitating industrial demand response: Evidence from Germany
J Stede, K Arnold, C Dufter, G Holtz, S von Roon, JC Richstein
Energy policy 147, 111893, 2020
Integrating bidirectionally chargeable electric vehicles into the electricity markets
T Kern, P Dossow, S von Roon
Energies 13 (21), 5812, 2020
Lastmanagement als Beitrag zur Deckung des Spitzenlastbedarfs in Süddeutschland
M Klobasa, G Angerer, A Lüllmann, J Schleich, T Buber, A Gruber, ...
Fraunhofer ISI, 2013
Virtual power plants: theory or reality?; Virtuelle Kraftwerke: Theorie oder Realitaet?
U Arndt, S von Roon, U Wagner
BWK. Das Energie-Fachmagazin 58, 2006
Bidirectional charging management–field trial and measurement concept for assessment of novel charging strategies
M Hinterstocker, A Ostermann, M Muller, P Dossow, S von Roon, T Kern, ...
München: Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft eV (FfE), 2019
Modeling spot market pricing with the residual load
S von Roon, M Huber
Enerday-5th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology, 16.04. 2010, Dresden, 2010
Evaluation of energy saving potentials, costs and uncertainties in the chemical industry in Germany
F Bühler, A Guminski, A Gruber, TV Nguyen, S von Roon, B Elmegaard
Applied Energy 228, 2037-2049, 2018
Potential impact of blockchain solutions on energy markets
M Hinterstocker, C Dufter, S von Roon, A Bogensperger, A Zeiselmair
2018 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-5, 2018
Demand response potential of electrical heat pumps and electric storage heaters
T Buber, S von Roon, A Gruber, J Conrad
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
The interaction of conventional power production and renewable power under the aspect of balancing forecast errors
S Von Roon, U Wagner
Proceedings of the 10th IAEE European Conference on Energy, Policies and …, 2009
Evaluation of the effects of time-of-use pricing for private households based on measured load data
M Hinterstocker, P Schott, S von Roon
2017 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2017
Quantifying the costs of Demand Response for industrial businesses
L Kreuder, A Gruber, S von Roon
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Lastmanagement für Systemdienstleistungen und zur Reduktion der Spitzenlast
T Buber, A Gruber, M Klobasa, S von Roon
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 89-106, 2013
System effects of high demand‐side electrification rates: A scenario analysis for Germany in 2030
A Guminski, F Böing, A Murmann, S von Roon
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 8 (2), e327, 2019
Bewertung der aktuellen Standardlastprofile Österreichs und Analyse zukünftiger Anpassungsmöglichkeiten im Strommarkt
M Hinterstocker, S von Roon, M Rau
Symposium Energieinnovationen, Graz, 1-7, 2014
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