Web services: a comparison of soap and rest services F Halili, E Ramadani Modern Applied Science 12 (3), 175, 2018 | 119 | 2018 |
Water Quality Index: A New Automated Way of Measuring the Quality E Ramadani, A Memeti, BH Durmishi International Journal on Information Technologies & Security 3, 43-52, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
The Role and the Impact of Digital Certificate and Digital Signature in Improving Security During Data Transmittion N Sejfuli-Ramadani Journal EJSDR-European Journal of Sustainable Development and Research 2 (1 …, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Blockchain: General overview of the Architecture, Security and Reliability N Sejfuli-Ramadani, E Ramadani, F Idrizi, V Misimi Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT 3 (5-6), 64-68, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Social media based app organizing daily events E Ramadani, A Memeti, F Imeri, N Sejfuli-Ramadani, F Idrizi 2017 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 1-4, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Tailored Dijkstra and Astar Algorithms for Shortest Path Softbot Roadmap in 2D Grid in a Sequence of Tuples E Ramadani, F Halili, F Idrizi International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations 8 (92), 56-59, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
ANALYSIS AND COMPARISION OF THE SENSORS USED IN MOBILE DEVICES. N Sejfuli, F Idrizi, E Ramadani International Journal on Information Technologies & Security 8 (1), 2016 | | 2016 |