Evaluation of prevalence and positions of mesiodens using cone-beam computed tomography S Goksel, E Agirgol, HC Karabas, I Ozcan Journal of oral & maxillofacial research 9 (4), 2018 | 49 | 2018 |
Findings of florid cemento-osseous dysplasia: a report of three cases TE Köse, OD Köse, HC Karabas, TL Erdem, İ Özcan Journal of oral & maxillofacial research 4 (4), 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Evaluation of dental panoramic radiographic findings in edentulous jaws: A retrospective study of 743 patients TE Kose, N Demirtas, HC Karabas, I Ozcan The journal of advanced prosthodontics 7 (5), 380-385, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
The importance of clinical and radiological findings for the definitive histopathologic diagnosis of benign fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws: study of 276 cases M Soluk-Tekkesin, A Sinanoglu, F Selvi, HC Karabas, N Aksakalli Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 123 (3), 364-371, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
Cone-beam computed tomography evaluation of impacted and transmigrated mandibular canines: a retrospective study H Cakir Karabas, I Ozcan, AF Erturk, B Guray, G Unsal, SN Senel Oral radiology 37, 403-411, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
CBCT analysis of haller cells: relationship with accessory maxillary ostium and maxillary sinus pathologies İ Özcan, S Göksel, H Çakır-Karabaş, G Ünsal Oral radiology 37, 502-506, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Evaluation of radiolucent lesions associated with impacted teeth: a retrospective study HC Karabas, I Ozcan, MS Tekkesin, SA Tasyapan, B Guray, MM Atapek Current medical imaging 16 (10), 1332-1339, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Evaluation of cell and DNA damage induced by panoramic radiography HC Karabas, I Ozcan, LT Sener, SD Guler, I Albeniz, TL Erdem Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 22 (8), 1041-1048, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Osteolipoma: a review of the literature and a rare case report H Cakir Karabas, I Ozcan, M Soluk Tekkesin, SC Isler Oral Radiology 37, 560-565, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Fractal Analysis of Mandible in Panoramic Radiographs of Patients Received Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma RD Tepe, KO Toraman, KB Kayhan, I Ozcan, HC Karabas | 1 | 2023 |
Variations and thicknesses of anterior belly of the digastric muscle: an ultrasonographic study. G Ünsal, S Göksel, H Çakır Karabaş, AF Ertürk, İ Özcan, C Evli, M Önder, ... Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol., 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Antrolitin konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi ile retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi H Çakır Karabaş, İ Özcan, S Göksel, SA Taşyapan, B Güray 7tepe Klinik Dergisi 18 (1), 50-53, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
KONKA BÜLLOZA GÖRÜLME SIKLIĞININ KONİK IŞINLI BİLGİSAYARLI TOMOGRAFİ İLE ANALİZİ VE MAKSİLLER SİNÜZİT İLE İLİŞKİSİ S Göksel, HÇ Karabaş, B Güray, SA Taşyapan, İ Özcan Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 47 (1-3), 45-49, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
İki Kardeşte Görülen Robinow Sendromu AF Ertürk, HÇ Karabaş, İ Özcan Turkiye Klinikleri. Dishekimligi Bilimleri Dergisi 26 (2), 296-301, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
The Occurrence Frequency of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV in Patients Applying to İstanbul University Faculty of Dentistry. TE Köse, H ÇAKIR KARABAŞ, N DEMİRTAŞ, E Çene, TL Erdem Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Dental Sciences 20 (1), 2014 | 1 | 2014 |
Paget's disease of maxilla: A case report HC Karabas, TE Kose, E Hatipoglu, O Dincer, TL Erdem, İ Ozcan Indian Journal of Dentistry 4 (4), 229-232, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |
Bilateral Basis Mandibulariste görülen Langerhans Hücreli Histiyositozis: Nadir Bir Olgu L Cin, RD Tepe, HÇ Karabaş European Journal of Research in Dentistry 7 (3), 154-157, 2023 | | 2023 |
Association of accessory sphenoidal septum with protrusions of sphenoid sinus S Goksel, G Unsal, H Cakir Karabas, AF Erturk, I Ozcan, K Orhan European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 280 (5), 2323-2329, 2023 | | 2023 |
Oral Mukozal Melanom: Nadir Görülen Bir Vaka Raporu H Aktürk, SA Taşyapan, M Ramazanoğlu, HÇ Karabaş, I Özcan Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi …, 2023 | | 2023 |
Nadir olarak görülen maksiller sinüs pnömatizasyonlarının konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi (KIBT) ile retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi ve patoloji ile ilişkisi B Güray, HÇ Karabaş, S Göksel, SA Taşyapan, İ Özcan | | 2023 |