German O. Gallucci, DMD, Ph.D.
German O. Gallucci, DMD, Ph.D.
Raymond J. and Elva Pomfret Nagle Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Restorative Dentistry
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Success criteria in implant dentistry: a systematic review
P Papaspyridakos, CJ Chen, M Singh, HP Weber, GO Gallucci
Journal of dental research 91 (3), 242-248, 2012
Digital vs. conventional implant impressions: efficiency outcomes
SJ Lee, GO Gallucci
Clinical oral implants research 24 (1), 111-115, 2013
Trends in dental implant use in the US, 1999–2016, and projections to 2026
HW Elani, JR Starr, JD Da Silva, GO Gallucci
Journal of dental research 97 (13), 1424-1430, 2018
A systematic review of biologic and technical complications with fixed implant rehabilitations for edentulous patients.
P Papaspyridakos, CJ Chen, SK Chuang, HP Weber, GO Gallucci
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 27 (1), 2012
Anatomic crown width/length ratios of unworn and worn maxillary teeth in white subjects
P Magne, GO Gallucci, UC Belser
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 89 (5), 453-461, 2003
Digital versus conventional implant impressions for edentulous patients: accuracy outcomes
P Papaspyridakos, GO Gallucci, CJ Chen, S Hanssen, I Naert, ...
Clinical oral implants research 27 (4), 465-472, 2016
Accuracy of implant impressions for partially and completely edentulous patients: a systematic review.
P Papaspyridakos, CJ Chen, GO Gallucci, A Doukoudakis, HP Weber, ...
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 29 (4), 2014
Consensus statements and clinical recommendations for implant loading protocols.
GO Gallucci, GI Benic, SE Eckert, P Papaspyridakos, M Schimmel, ...
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 29, 2014
Consensus statements and recommended clinical procedures regarding loading protocols.
HP Weber, D Morton, GO Gallucci, M Roccuzzo, L Cordaro, L Grütter
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 24, 2009
Augmented and virtual reality in dental medicine: A systematic review
T Joda, GO Gallucci, D Wismeijer, NU Zitzmann
Computers in biology and medicine 108, 93-100, 2019
Loading protocols for dental implants in edentulous patients.
GO Gallucci, D Morton, HP Weber
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 24, 2009
Digital technology in fixed implant prosthodontics
T Joda, M Ferrari, GO Gallucci, JG Wittneben, U Brägger
Periodontology 2000 73 (1), 178-192, 2017
Accuracy of digital versus conventional implant impressions
SJ Lee, RA Betensky, GE Gianneschi, GO Gallucci
Clinical oral implants research 26 (6), 715-719, 2015
Implant placement and loading protocols in partially edentulous patients: A systematic review
GO Gallucci, A Hamilton, W Zhou, D Buser, S Chen
Clinical oral implants research 29, 106-134, 2018
A systematic review of the clinical performance of CAD/CAM single-tooth restorations.
JG Wittneben, RF Wright, HP Weber, GO Gallucci
International journal of prosthodontics 22 (5), 2009
Computer-aided design and computer-assisted manufacturing in prosthetic implant dentistry.
T Kapos, LM Ashy, GO Gallucci, HP Weber, D Wismeijer
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 24, 2009
Implant and prosthodontic survival rates with implant fixed complete dental prostheses in the edentulous mandible after at least 5 years: a systematic review
P Papaspyridakos, M Mokti, CJ Chen, GI Benic, GO Gallucci, ...
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 16 (5), 705-717, 2014
Descriptive analysis of implant and prosthodontic survival rates with fixed implant–supported rehabilitations in the edentulous maxilla
FE Lambert, HP Weber, SM Susarla, UC Belser, GO Gallucci
Journal of periodontology 80 (8), 1220-1230, 2009
Dimensions of buccal bone and mucosa at immediately placed implants after 7 years: a clinical and cone beam computed tomography study
GI Benic, M Mokti, CJ Chen, HP Weber, CHF Hämmerle, GO Gallucci
Clinical oral implants research 23 (5), 560-566, 2012
Five‐year results of fixed implant‐supported rehabilitations with distal cantilevers for the edentulous mandible
GO Gallucci, CB Doughtie, JW Hwang, JP Fiorellini, HP Weber
Clinical oral implants research 20 (6), 601-607, 2009
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