Saber Feki
Study of variation in groundwater quality in a coastal aquifer in north-eastern Tunisia using multivariate factor analysis
S Charfi, K Zouari, S Feki, E Mami
Quaternary International 302, 199-209, 2013
A tool for optimizing runtime parameters of open mpi
M Chaarawi, JM Squyres, E Gabriel, S Feki
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface …, 2008
Feature selection using Bayesian and multiclass Support Vector Machines approaches: Application to bank risk prediction
A Feki, AB Ishak, S Feki
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (3), 3087-3099, 2012
Overview of the KAUST’s Cray X40 system–Shaheen II
B Hadri, S Kortas, S Feki, R Khurram, G Newby
Proceedings of the 2015 Cray User Group 3, 2015
Towards performance portability through runtime adaptation for high‐performance computing applications
E Gabriel, S Feki, K Benkert, MM Resch
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 22 (16), 2230-2246, 2010
Real-time massively distributed multi-object adaptive optics simulations for the european extremely large telescope
H Ltaief, A Charara, D Gratadour, N Doucet, B Hadri, E Gendron, S Feki, ...
2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2018
The abstract data and communication library
E Gabriel, S Feki, K Benkert, M Chaarawi
Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology 2 (4), 581-600, 2008
Incorporating historic knowledge into a communication library for self-optimizing high performance computing applications
S Feki, E Gabriel
2008 Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self …, 2008
Multi-GPU-based acceleration of the explicit time domain volume integral equation solver using MPI-OpenACC
S Feki, A Al-Jarro, H Bagci
2013 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), 90-90, 2013
Scientific applications performance evaluation on burst buffer
GS Markomanolis, B Hadri, R Khurram, S Feki
High Performance Computing: ISC High Performance 2017 International …, 2017
Porting an explicit time-domain volume-integral-equation solver on GPUs with OpenACC [open problems in cem]
S Feki, A Al-Jarro, A Clo, H Bagci
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 56 (2), 265-277, 2014
Historic learning approach for auto-tuning OpenACC accelerated scientific applications
S Siddiqui, F AlZayer, S Feki
High Performance Computing for Computational Science--VECPAR 2014: 11th …, 2015
Predictive performance tuning of OpenACC accelerated applications
S Siddiqui, S Feki
Supercomputing, 511, 2014
A historic knowledge based approach for dynamic optimization
S Feki, E Gabriel
Parallel Computing: From Multicores and GPU's to Petascale, 389-396, 2010
Automatic performance tuning of parallel and accelerated seismic imaging kernels
H Haberdar, S Siddiqui, S Feki
EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream, cp-426-00038, 2014
Tuning OpenACC loop execution
S Feki, M Smaoui
Parallel Programming with OpenACC, 111-124, 2017
The Impact of Emerging Supercomputer Architecture on FSI Algorithms
R Khurram, B Hadri, S Feki
26th international Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics …, 2014
Open problems in CEM: Porting an explicit time-domain volume-integral-equation solver on GPUs with OpenACC
O Ergul, S Feki, A Al-Jarro, A Clo, H Bagci
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 2 (56), 265-277, 2014
Towards Automatic Performance Tuning of OpenACC Accelerated Scientific Applications
S Feki, S Siddiqui
GPU Technology Conference, San Jose, California, USA, 2003
Porting an Explicit Time-Domain Volume Integral Equation Solver onto Multiple GPUs Using MPI and OpenACC.
S Feki, A Al-Jarro, H Bagci
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal 33 (2), 2018
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