Joana Santana
The database of the PREDICTS (projecting responses of ecological diversity in changing terrestrial systems) project
LN Hudson, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, A De Palma, ...
Ecology and evolution 7 (1), 145-188, 2017
Modelling farming system dynamics in High Nature Value Farmland under policy change
PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, MN Bugalho, J Santana, L Reino, P Beja, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 183, 138-144, 2014
Optimizing sampling design to deal with mist-net avoidance in Amazonian birds and bats
JT Marques, MJ Ramos Pereira, TA Marques, CD Santos, J Santana, ...
PLoS One 8 (9), e74505, 2013
Structuring of Amazonian bat assemblages: the roles of flooding patterns and floodwater nutrient load
MJR Pereira, JT Marques, J Santana, CD Santos, J Valsecchi, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 78 (6), 1163-1171, 2009
Seasonal patterns of spatial variation in understory bird assemblages across a mosaic of flooded and unflooded Amazonian forests
P Beja, CD Santos, J Santana, MJ Pereira, JT Marques, HL Queiroz, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 19, 129-152, 2010
Combined effects of landscape composition and heterogeneity on farmland avian diversity
J Santana, L Reino, C Stoate, F Moreira, PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, ...
Ecology and Evolution 7 (4), 1212-1223, 2017
Effects of changed grazing regimes and habitat fragmentation on Mediterranean grassland birds
L Reino, M Porto, R Morgado, F Moreira, A Fabião, J Santana, A Delgado, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 138 (1-2), 27-34, 2010
Mixed effects of long‐term conservation investment in Natura 2000 farmland
J Santana, L Reino, C Stoate, R Borralho, CR Carvalho, S Schindler, ...
Conservation Letters 7 (5), 467-477, 2014
Long-term understory recovery after mechanical fuel reduction in Mediterranean cork oak forests
J Santana, M Porto, L Reino, P Beja
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (3), 447-459, 2011
Forest fuel management as a conservation tool for early successional species under agricultural abandonment: The case of Mediterranean butterflies
MJ Verdasca, AS Leitão, J Santana, M Porto, S Dias, P Beja
Biological Conservation 146 (1), 14-23, 2012
A Mediterranean silent spring? The effects of olive farming intensification on breeding bird communities
R Morgado, J Santana, M Porto, JS Sánchez-Oliver, L Reino, JM Herrera, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 288, 106694, 2020
Long‐term responses of Mediterranean birds to forest fuel management
J Santana, M Porto, L Gordinho, L Reino, P Beja
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (3), 632-643, 2012
An applied farming systems approach to infer conservation-relevant agricultural practices for agri-environment policy design
PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, J Santana, L Reino, P Beja, F Moreira
Land Use Policy 58, 165-172, 2016
Predators and livestock reduce bird nest survival in intensive Mediterranean farmland
P Beja, S Schindler, J Santana, M Porto, R Morgado, F Moreira, R Pita, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 60, 249-258, 2014
Using beta diversity to inform agricultural policies and conservation actions on Mediterranean farmland
J Santana, M Porto, L Reino, F Moreira, PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (6), 1825-1835, 2017
A spatially explicit choice model to assess the impact of conservation policy on high nature value farming systems
PF Ribeiro, LC Nunes, P Beja, L Reino, J Santana, F Moreira, JL Santos
Ecological Economics 145, 331-338, 2018
Landscape makers and landscape takers: links between farming systems and landscape patterns along an intensification gradient
PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, J Santana, L Reino, PJ Leitão, P Beja, F Moreira
Landscape Ecology 31, 791-803, 2016
The 2016 release of the PREDICTS database
LN Hudson, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, D Palma, ...
Europa Biodiversity Observation Network: User and Policy Needs Assessment
H Moersberger, JGC Martin, J Junker, I Georgieva, S Bauer, P Beja, ...
Research Ideas and Outcomes, 2022
Influence of moonlight on nightjars’ vocal activity: a guideline for nightjar surveys in Europe
L Reino, M Porto, J Santana, TS Osiejuk
Biologia 70 (7), 968-973, 2015
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