Elizabeth L. Tighe
Elizabeth L. Tighe
Associate Professor of Psychology, Georgia State University
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Does use of text-to-speech and related read-aloud tools improve reading comprehension for students with reading disabilities? A meta-analysis
SG Wood, JH Moxley, EL Tighe, RK Wagner
Journal of learning disabilities 51 (1), 73-84, 2018
Examining the underlying dimensions of morphological awareness and vocabulary knowledge
M Spencer, A Muse, RK Wagner, B Foorman, Y Petscher, ...
Reading and writing 28, 959-988, 2015
Examining the relationships of component reading skills to reading comprehension in struggling adult readers: A meta-analysis
EL Tighe, C Schatschneider
Journal of learning disabilities 49 (4), 395-409, 2016
Acquiring science and social studies knowledge in kindergarten through fourth grade: Conceptualization, design, implementation, and efficacy testing of content-area literacy …
CMD Connor, J Dombek, EC Crowe, M Spencer, EL Tighe, S Coffinger, ...
Journal of educational psychology 109 (3), 301, 2017
An investigation of morphological awareness and processing in adults with low literacy
EL Tighe, KS Binder
Applied psycholinguistics 36 (2), 245-273, 2015
A dominance analysis approach to determining predictor importance in third, seventh, and tenth grade reading comprehension skills
EL Tighe, C Schatschneider
Reading and writing 27, 101-127, 2014
Using assessment to individualize early mathematics instruction
CMD Connor, MMM Mazzocco, T Kurz, EC Crowe, EL Tighe, TS Wood, ...
Journal of school psychology 66, 97-113, 2018
Exploring the dimensionality of morphological awareness and its relations to vocabulary knowledge in adult basic education students
EL Tighe, C Schatschneider
Reading Research Quarterly 50 (3), 293-311, 2015
Defining success in adult basic education settings: Multiple stakeholders, multiple perspectives
EL Tighe, AE Barnes, CM Connor, SC Steadman
Reading research quarterly 48 (4), 415-435, 2013
Augmenting the simple view of reading for struggling adult readers: A unique role for background knowledge
A Talwar, E L. Tighe, D Greenberg
Scientific Studies of Reading 22 (5), 351-366, 2018
Reading expressively and understanding thoroughly: An examination of prosody in adults with low literacy skills
KS Binder, E Tighe, Y Jiang, K Kaftanski, C Qi, SP Ardoin
Reading and writing 26, 665-680, 2013
A quantile regression approach to understanding the relations among morphological awareness, vocabulary, and reading comprehension in adult basic education students
EL Tighe, C Schatschneider
Journal of learning disabilities 49 (4), 424-436, 2016
Investigating morphological awareness and the processing of transparent and opaque words in adults with low literacy skills and in skilled readers
NL To, EL Tighe, KS Binder
Journal of Research in Reading 39 (2), 171-188, 2016
Applying a multiple group causal indicator modeling framework to the reading comprehension skills of third, seventh, and tenth grade students
EL Tighe, RK Wagner, C Schatschneider
Reading and writing 28, 439-466, 2015
Assessing the direct and indirect effects of metalinguistic awareness to the reading comprehension skills of struggling adult readers
EL Tighe, CW Little, MC Arrastia-Chisholm, C Schatschneider, E Diehm, ...
Reading and Writing 32, 787-818, 2019
Readers in adult basic education: Component skills, eye movements, and fluency
AE Barnes, YS Kim, EL Tighe, C Vorstius
Journal of learning disabilities 50 (2), 180-194, 2017
Modeling the relations among morphological awareness dimensions, vocabulary knowledge, and reading comprehension in adult basic education students
EL Tighe, C Schatschneider
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 86, 2016
Health literacy and adults with low basic skills
I Feinberg, EL Tighe, D Greenberg, M Mavreles
Adult Education Quarterly 68 (4), 297-315, 2018
Using simulations to investigate the longitudinal stability of alternative schemes for classifying and identifying children with reading disabilities
C Schatschneider, RK Wagner, SA Hart, EL Tighe
Scientific Studies of Reading 20 (1), 34-48, 2016
Examining potential bias in screening measures for middle school students by special education and low socioeconomic status subgroups
NA Stevenson, DK Reed, EL Tighe
Psychology in the Schools 53 (5), 533-547, 2016
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