Matthew J. Kaylor
Matthew J. Kaylor
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
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Small plastic debris changes water movement and heat transfer through beach sediments
HS Carson, SL Colbert, MJ Kaylor, KJ McDermid
Marine pollution bulletin 62 (8), 1708-1713, 2011
What is a trophic cascade?
WJ Ripple, JA Estes, OJ Schmitz, V Constant, MJ Kaylor, A Lenz, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (11), 842-849, 2016
Changing forests—changing streams: riparian forest stand development and ecosystem function in temperate headwaters
DR Warren, WS Keeton, PM Kiffney, MJ Kaylor, HA Bechtold, J Magee
Ecosphere 7 (8), e01435, 2016
Spatial variability in light yields colimitation of primary production by both light and nutrients in a forested stream ecosystem
DR Warren, SM Collins, EM Purvis, MJ Kaylor, HA Bechtold
Ecosystems 20, 198-210, 2017
Linking riparian shade and the legacies of forest management to fish and vertebrate biomass in forested streams
MJ Kaylor, DR Warren
Ecosphere 8 (6), e01845, 2017
Long-term effects of riparian forest harvest on light in Pacific Northwest (USA) streams
MJ Kaylor, DR Warren, PM Kiffney
Freshwater Science 36 (1), 1-13, 2017
Drought impacts to trout and salamanders in cool, forested headwater ecosystems in the western Cascade Mountains, OR
MJ Kaylor, BJ VerWey, A Cortes, DR Warren
Hydrobiologia 833, 65-80, 2019
Canopy closure after four decades of postlogging riparian forest regeneration reduces cutthroat trout biomass in headwater streams through bottom-up pathways
MJ Kaylor, DR Warren
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75 (4), 513-524, 2018
Relating spatial patterns of stream metabolism to distributions of juveniles salmonids at the river network scale
MJ Kaylor, SM White, WC Saunders, DR Warren
Ecosphere 10 (6), e02781, 2019
A cautionary tale for in situ fluorometric measurement of stream chlorophyll a: influences of light and periphyton biomass
MJ Kaylor, A Argerich, SM White, BJ VerWey, I Arismendi
Freshwater Science 37 (2), 287-295, 2018
Temperature, emergence phenology and consumption drive seasonal shifts in fish growth and production across riverscapes
MJ Kaylor, C Justice, JB Armstrong, BA Staton, LA Burns, E Sedell, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (7), 1727-1741, 2021
Effects of a severe drought on summer abundance, growth, and movement of cutthroat trout in a western Oregon headwater stream
BJ VerWey
Northwestern Naturalist 99 (3), 209-221, 2018
Carcass additions increase juvenile salmonid growth, condition, and size in an interior Columbia River Basin tributary
MJ Kaylor, SM White, ER Sedell, DR Warren
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77 (4), 703-715, 2020
Aquatic food web response to patchy shading along forested headwater streams
ED Heaston, MJ Kaylor, DR Warren
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75 (12), 2211-2220, 2018
Accounting for uncertainty when estimating drivers of imperfect detection: An integrated approach illustrated with snorkel surveys for riverine fishes
BA Staton, C Justice, S White, ER Sedell, LA Burns, MJ Kaylor
Fisheries Research 249, 106209, 2022
Food web perspectives and methods for riverine fish conservation
SM Naman, SM White, JR Bellmore, PA McHugh, MJ Kaylor, CV Baxter, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 9 (4), e1590, 2022
Characterizing short-term light dynamics in forested headwater streams
ED Heaston, MJ Kaylor, DR Warren
Freshwater Science 36 (2), 259-271, 2017
Carcass additions influence food webs through bottom-up and direct consumption pathways along a fish species assemblage gradient
MJ Kaylor, SM White, ER Sedell, AM Sanders, DR Warren
Ecosystems 24, 168-184, 2021
Riverscape heterogeneity in estimated Chinook Salmon emergence phenology and implications for size and growth
MJ Kaylor, JB Armstrong, JT Lemanski, C Justice, SM White
Ecosphere 13 (7), e4160, 2022
Extreme drought conditions increase variability of nitrate through a stream network, with limited influence on the spatial patterns of stream phosphate
DR Warren, JC Pett-Ridge, C Segura, MJ Kaylor, ED Heaston
Biogeochemistry 160 (2), 243-258, 2022
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